Chapter 28

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Edited 26/06/2016

Lilith's POV

"So, what do we do?" Ron asks again, as we run around the castle.

"We'll have to use the Floo Network!" Harry says, running in front of us. We walk around the school, not really knowing where to go, but then something hits me. Umbridge said something about it, now I just have to remember her words...

"But Umbridge has every chimney under surveillance!" Hermione says.

"Not all of them." I realize. "Her chimney is free, it's not under surveillance at all! We have to go there!"

"Let me get my Cloak, come on guys!" Harry says as we run to the Gryffindor Tower.

Harry enters the common room and runs upstairs to retrieve his Invisibility Cloak. We will use it to get there and to come back. Meanwhile, we find Ginny, Neville and Luna waiting for us near the sofas.

"Where do you think you're going without us?" Ginny asks, her arms crossed. "We know about the whole 'office invasion' and we want to help."

"We kinda need help with that, so I think they could help us." I say, making Luna giggle with enthusiasm. Neville keeps eyeing her, and I sense something. Does he like her? I think so... But it's not my business, so I won't say anything.

Harry grabs my hand and we all run around the corridors, stopping as we see the door. Should we get in, or is she hiding in there? The hall is silent and empty, so this is our only chance.

"I think that's as good as we're going to get, Harry, Lilith, come on, let's do it." Hermione moves forward, still covered by the Cloak.

As we move forward, Luna, Ginny and Neville walk to the ends of the corridor. I am going to be part of the security team, so I follow them.

"Good one... Don't forget the signal." Hermione whispers when she passes us.

"What's the signal?" I can hear Harry asking, but I don't hear the answer. I already know it, I don't need any help with that.

We wait for a while, Ginny and I sitting by the door and Neville and Luna walking around the hall. This is our mission, we have to tell them if Umbitch or one of her minions decides to come here. But when I hear heels clicking down the hall, I get up and start singing, the other three following me.

Umbridge isn't alone, my Slytherin friends are behind her, looking at me apologetically. What are they doing here? They didn't tell her, right?

"Weasley is our king, Weasley is our king!" We scream on top of our lungs, trying to o make them listen. What if they can't hear us? Well, I think that's a little impossible, even the owls can hear us.

"Get out of my way, insolent child!" She yells at me, and I smirk and sing even higher. She takes her wand out of her pocket and points it at me. "Shut up now, or you'll regret it young lady."

"Weasley is our king, yes he is, madame!" I sing, and Ginny laugh, but I can see she's afraid.

"What are you four doing here? And where is your precious brothers?" Umbridge asks, but I know she knows the answer already.

"He's... You know..." I look around, trying to find an answer. "He's actually sleeping! Yeah, he's sleeping, the stress from the O.W.L.s and all that."

"Look down at your hand, Miss Potter." Umbridge says and I do it. I see the scars from her own punishment, understated of what she meant. "What's written there, Potter?"

Her fake sweet voice makes me remember the day, the punishment.

"I must not disobey the authority." I whisper.

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