Chapter 6

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Edited 02-02-2016

A/N: Just a quick joke ---> to the side!!
God, I died when I saw this!! 🙀
Well, now the chapter.

Lilith's POV

I'm still thinking about what Malfoy asked me last night. I don't want to meet him alone, he may do something to me... What if he found out about me and Harry being twins and is going to expose us? I don't really want to find out what's gonna happen...

"Hey!" Someone shouts next to me. I look up from my breakfast and see Hugh staring at me with a playfull grin.

He's really handsome... Where did that come from?! Me you stupid! You have eyes girl! You can see how perfect he his! Go, go, go, go, go... I hate my own mind sometimes.

"Hey. How's it going?" I greet him. His eyes are so blue... Like the sky. But I'm comparing his eyes to some grey ones that make my stomach tremble with butterflies. God what is wrong with you girl? "Hugh, right? I remember you from the train ride. You're friends with Fred and George." I'm starting the obvious... Once again...

He chuckles. "That would be me. Just wanted to ask if I can sit next to you." I'm a little surprised by that but nod and make space for him. "Sure."

We stay silent for some minutes, but it wasn't an awkward silence, it was a good one. I like it, he makes me feel good and normal for a chance. Ever since I started this mew stage of my life, I've been felling tired and overwhelmed all the time. Now, being next to him, I'm just Lilith, not The Lilith Potter, the girl who lived or whatever. I'm just, me...

"We better go. I'm headed to potions. What about you?" He asks me, in a casual tone, like he's talking to a friend. Well, we better start somewhere, right?

"Care for Magical Creaturs, or whatever it is. I'm still adjusting to this. And it's my third day so don't expect me to have this all planed out." I'm a little flustered this morning, and it's all Malfoy's fault.

We stand and leave the Great Hall, but not before finding two boys, that stop us and make us turn around. Goyle, as Hugh angrily whispers under his breath, and Malfoy are smirking at us, looking like they did something bad and are very proud of it. Like I care, but hey, don't judge me.

"Look, little miss perfect and his dorkenstein of a boyfriend. How are you this evening?" He's definitely planning something.

"For your information, it's still eight in the morning so, it's not evening. You really need help, do you want me to ask Hermione if she can teach you some proper manners and all?" Oh snap! Mocking people is one of my favorite hobbies. "And now that you're here, the answer is no, so don't expect me to show up because that's not gonna happen." I decided this a few seconds ago, when he interrupted my time with Hugh. Rude...

Malfoy starts walking away again and when he finally understands what I said, he turns and pushes me against the wall.

"Don't ever talk to me like that again, or I'll hex you into oblivion and back. You better watch your back from now on, I won't be sorry if something bad happens to you." With this he leaves me and Hugh standing there, looking at each other.

I feel him grab my hand and start walking. I follow him and he walks me to my first class: Care for Magical Creatures, with professor Hagrid. I know him because of Harry, who told me everything about our teachers. He also told me that we share every single class with the Slytherins. Great... And this huge man was the one who took me to Professor McGonaggal when I first came here. He's nice.

"Here we are." Hugh says when we arrive to the forest. I can see the Trio waiting for me and when they notice us, they all wave. How nice! "It's my time to go. Have a nice class Lil." He let's go of my hand and starts heading to his class.

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