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.But Ciel was bought out of his daze as Sebastian came around and picked up Ciel, taking him into a bedroom and placing him on the bed. He then looked into those beautiful sparkling eyes and smiled. Asking if Ciel wanted to stay for the night.
But later he would ask if Ciel would be Sebastian's pet. This is later though...

...Ciel tilted his head to the side cutely, his mouth pursed as he thought hard about what Sebastian had asked him. Did he want to spend the night. The answer was obvious was it not? A nice warm bed that Ciel had not had the privilege to sleep on ever since he had burnt down the place he was help prisoner.

It that...that place the bed was only chicken wire with a few random feathers, he guessed that did not really count as a bed then. So, he had not slept on a bed since he was a true kitten. That was when he was around the age of...five?
Either way it did not take long for Ciel to nod his head with a hue of punk now dusting his cheeks and his ears flattened against his head.

Sebastian held back the 'aww' as he witnessed the sight of Ciel that very moment. It was cute, and anything To do with cute and cats was Sebastian's cup of tea. Nodding his head in confirmation Sebastian stood up and strode to the wardrobe in the corner of the room and pulled out a pair of red silken Pyjamas that could most likely fit the kitten. As he walked back ha noticed how not the kitten was playing with his tail that kept twitching in his lap.
After a moment the tail would twitch again which would make Ciel bat at it. It was rather amusing, but it also reminded Sebastian of the fact Ciel had a tail and was not a regular human. He needed to alter the Pyjamas somehow.

"Here's some clothes for bed. You can go and get dressed in the bathroom across the hall." Sebastian spoke placing the red silk into Ciels hands as he was now staring intently at Sebastian. His eyes wide and sparkling as he ghosted his small hands over the silken material.
Ciel had never remembered a time when he had felt something so nice or soft, it was a material that really had no explanation to it. But at the cool feel he couldn't help but purr quietly to himself. And Ciel could not wait until he could get dressed into them. So without further instruction he scuttled out of the room and to the closest bathroom....

...as Ciel left the room Sebastian let out a breath he did not know that he was holding. Ciel was just so...so.... Ugh! He did not know. That kitten was just so cute and innocent. Though Ciel did not talk that much it was adorable the way he acted. And that wasn't what was scary, what was scary was that Sebastian was becoming attracted to the attitude and personality that the Neko gave off. He had never just simply smiled at a person eating messily, Hell. Sebastian even scolds real cats that eat sloppily! There was something with Ciel that just made Sebastian to want to kiss him, love him and protect him.
He could imagine them snuggling together in front of the fire; Ciel sitting on his lap as Sebastian read a book to the small Neko. Another thing, how old was Ciel? Sebastian did not know...

A mew was the thing that roused Sebastian from his thoughts. It was then that he realised Ciel had take hold of his clenched fist and was now uncurling the fingers and straightening out his hand.

"Are you okay Sebastian?" His voice rung out in the large guest bedroom. Sebastian smiled at the Neko and then looked down at his outfit.
The red silk barely fit him. The silken shirt always exposed one creamy shoulder and completely covered his Iddie biddie hands. The hem of the shirt came way past eh boys knees. And that was then that Sebastian also noticed Ciel was not wearing the trousers. There really was no point, but it made Sebastian's mouth feel dry. What was the feeling?

"I'm okay kitten. Come one, get in the bed." Sebastian pointed to the bed that he had Pulled the covers down on. He couldn't help but smile as he noticed how Ciels eyes brightened up and literally sparkled as he looked upon the bed.
Then within moments he was in the bed. Moving like he was making a snow angel in the satin sheets, purrs escaped his throat and his tail whipped from side to side in enjoyment.
Sebastian laughed slightly and went to leave the room-
"Goodnight Ciel..."
But was cut off as there was a tug on his hand.

Looking down Sebastian noticed how the Neko's purrs had stopped and his ears were now flat on his head. Those blue gems were pleading with Sebastian for something as his arm was tugged again.

"Please stay with me? I don't want to be alone." His voice was small, but it warmed up Sebastian's heart as he noticed how Ciel was then nervously wringing his tail. Sebastian nodded and made a motion for Ciel to move over before getting to to bed, leaning over and turning off the lamp on the table. As the room descended into darkness Ciel gave off a frightened mew, but then he was curling and snuggling into Sebastian's side. Nuzzling his head into Sebastian's chest and purring as he slowly fell asleep, in Sebastian's arms keeping him safe from the nightmares.

"Goodnight kitten.."

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