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"Sebastian when did you get a pet?" And Ciel had a feeling that he would not be here for long at all.
Especially whilst being treated like some animal.
But, just maybe. Every doctor in that...that lab was right. Maybe Ciel should just become a real house cat. At least he wouldn't get picked on as much...

..... Just from looking at Ciel, Sebastian knew that Ciel was upset. The way that his father treated the Neko was appalling. The poor kitten was getting hugged and groped by Natalie. Down talked by Michael but also getting treated like he was an actual pet.
Ciel was NOT a pet, he was a mammal, and that mammal just so happened to have human DNA. The only thing different was the feline qualities.

Right now Michael was waving a feather in front of the kittens face, not getting a single reaction from him; his tail swishing back and forth with his ears flat against his head.

It had been an entire day and Ciel was already two minutes away from leaving. Don't get him wrong he loved Sebastian's domain. Sebastian did not prick him with needles and beat him.....rape him. In fact Sebastian did nothing wrong, it was only Michael and Natalie. He was fed up of being groped and hugged, he was fed up of Michaelis remarks. Maybe Michael was bisexual, because he kept coming onto the Neko.

Whenever they were alone Michael would get really close to the kitten and stroke his tail, hair or ears. Whichever he preferred or was the easiest to access. But then he didn't stop there, he would whisper something sexual Into the poor Neko's ear. He was frightened, scared. Hell, Ciel was even planning to sleep under the bed...

...later that night Sebastian went to hug the kitten closer. He was glad that Ciel always slept in his bed with him, keeping him warm and giving him comfort.
But Ciel was not there, there was only air and a cold sheet. The space was not occupied with an adorable kitten just as he had hoped.

Sebastian shot bolt up and immediately went searching for the small Neko. He could not have gotten far.
So opening the door he rushed out of the room, hoping to find Ciel in the hallway, holding a glass of water and claiming he had only went to get a drink. But there was no Neko.

He looked down the hall to where the bathroom would be. Hoping to hear the tap run or the small sound of hissing. But there was none.

Finally Sebastian crept down the stairs, and there was a light on. As he got closer and closer to the light Sebastian could hear people talking. It was his fathers voice, and in the shadows of the room he his himself. Michael was talking to Ciel, and Ciel was whimpering slightly. Sebastian had to find out what was going on...

"I don't see why my son has decided to bring in a sex slave. Did you know that that is what your type are used for? During mating season your sex drive doublets and then you will fuck anything. Spread those legs and open that small mouth.
I'm surprised you are still a virgin, well. As Virgin as consensual sex goes. I know that look, it's the eyes of someone way past their years, you have seen too much. But it is something I like. Leave my son, join me. I'll even leave Natalie, you seem like a fine specimen and worthier of my adoration than that whore. I'll ask Sebastian for a swap actually, your young and still beautiful, and Natalie is using her touch. What do ha say?" Michael spoke, making Ciel step further and further away from the despicable man. What was wrong with him? Did Michael have a death wish and want to have his eyes clawed out?

"Firstly Michael, yes you are true. I have seen and did I go way beyond my years. I have lived a life of no Consent and death. Secondly I do not give a man about what my kind does, that is what they do, not what I do. And thirdly Michael, stop trying to seduce me around Sebastian or even in general. It's sloppy, un coordinated and is not even working. I do not know what makes you think I would even consider you proposal. But I am turning it down, I care for Sebastian. Way more than a master and pet should. But unfortunately I am but a kitten still. I have a while to go before my rut. So I leave you with these words. Pull your head out of your ass and go fuck Natalie price tag. I want to go to my master, and sleep peacefully." And with that Ciel walked away. His tail swishing and a swing in his step. He had finally stood up to the dick head...

... Sebastian rushed to get back into bed. Crawling under the covers he feigned sleep to not make the poor kitten blush. He heard footsteps and then a questioning mew that resonated throughout the room.
It seemed as if Ciel changed back into his kitten mode again. Turning to the side he opened up the cover and motioned for the Neko to get in, and he did so without a fuss.
And when Ciel was asleep. Sebastian was thinking about how he would hurt his father in the morning, Michael had overstepped his boundaries. And he was going to pay.

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