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"Hey Ciel, do you want to walk with me?" Sebastian asked with a warm smile, trying to not show the hurt he actually felt when he witnessed Ciel hiding his ears under a hat. The hat was blue was kind of shaped like a pirate hat. There was a bunch of blue feathers on the top of it that fell to his right side.

"Not really" was the reply that Sebastian had got. And This riled him up. What was he? Chopped liver? No, he did not think so. So with the most fake smile he could possess, he decided that he no longer wanted to play with the kitten.
"You have no options Ciel, your walking with me."

Sebastian had no idea that Ciel only wanted Sebastian to be happy.
And Ciel had no idea that Sebastian was only happy with Ciel...

... There was a awkward tension in the air, so thick that it could literally be cut in half, sliced in half.

There was the Neko and the man walking down the street in the dead of night. Street lamps castes a ominous glow upon the pair as their footsteps sounded through the deserted streets.
The faint sound of an owl could be heard in the distance and the inconsistent buzz of the crickets was enough to relax the most tense of men.

Sebastian had no idea what to say, he had demanded that Ciel come on this walk with him, and now the Neko was here Sebastian did not know how to start. All he knew was that Ciel had been avoiding him, and he wanted to know why. It was not nice to have a whole 180 degree turn on attitudes, especially when you were falling for the object of the emotions. Sebastian could not say he loved Ciel, but he could not say he did not crush on him either. The vet was in the middle, and he missed the cute and innocent affection that was usually given to him by the playful kitten, which is what Ciel could have been. And Ciel could be again, if he were to only tell Sebastian what was wrong.

Clearing his throat the pair stopped outside the opening of the park, the night air now developing a slight nip to it, this caused Ciel to wrap his arms around himself in a attempt to keep himself warm. He noticed how Sebastian frowned lightly, as if Ciel had done something wrong.

But this was not true it all, it was simply because Sebastian wanted to be the one to comfort and warm up the Neko, not the cats own arms. So without even asking permission the vet stepped forward and scooped the kitten into his embrace, stroking the soft blue ears and nuzzling into the boys soft creamy skin at the base of his neck.
"Ciel please tell me what's wrong" Sebastian pleaded "I don't like you acting so cold and heartless to me, I care for you greatly and you act as if I was a dog bone and not cat nip."

The man could not control himself from placing small and innocent kisses on the Neko's head, brushing bits of hair to the side to get better access. In return to this affection Ciel was having a hard time at keeping his head straight, trying not to give into the pleasure that the man was giving. Each stroke against his sensitive ear, each carefully placed kiss and every breath. It was so hard to not turn all kitten and return the affection, but Ciel wanted to remain strong. He wanted to seem strong to.

The Neko believed that he was a hindrance in the vets life, nothing more than entertainment for the days when he was alone and had nothing to do. That is how Ciel felt; it always came down to trust issues for Ciel.
For years he had the image of trust engraved into his mind, but it had been taken away by the scientists that took a trust and thrust it into a cage, locked up for five years and then whipped daily. That is what trust would do to you..and that is what Ciel believed.

With these thoughts travelling through the Neko's mind he did not notice when he had began to cry and shake, when his claws had came out or when he had started to growl lowly in his throat. However Sebastian seemed to not care, instead of running away at a time like this Sebastian was sitting on the cold ground of a pavement and was rocking Ciel slightly in his arms. Cooing and soothing to him, stroking the crying kitties eat and then slowly pressing places on the soft skin of Ciels hand this would make the claws retract back to where they were suppose to go.
"Please do not cry kitten, please tell me what is wrong. I will not hurt you, or judge you. I promise." Sebastian continued to try and gain the information he needed, he could not deal with the distance that he and Ciel had put between each other. The vet loved the time they had spent together, laughing and eating, or maybe just relaxing and reading a book curled up together.

This was the perfect time for Sebastian too, Ciels barriers were down and he was defenceless, needy and crying. It was wrong of Sebastian to actually take advantage but he was really worried about his kitten being just so upset.

Ciel sniffled slightly as he pulled away from Sebastian, looking into the mans carmine eyes that were filled with nothing but kindness and compassion. What was there to lose? Besides the respect of his master that he and been taking advantage of. Now the kitten felt bad for hurting the man. Sebastian was trying to help and all Ciel was going was pushing the man away, further and further. And this moment in time was the result of all of that pushing.

Sebastian watched in awe as Ciel opened his mouth, those beautiful blue eyes sparking with something that Sebastian had not seen in weeks. Innocence, his kitten was returning to the surface. Sebastian was so happy to see Ciel purr slightly as his own hands explored the younger a side, rubbing in a soothing figure of eight movement. But it was then that Ciel buried his head in the crook of Sebastian's neck and he started to sob, mindless and scrambled words escaping trembling lips.

The man shook his head and asked the Neko to explain better, and somewhere warmer too. So without a due the pair left to the house where they sat down together. Ciel in Sebastian's lap and Ciel twiddling his fingers. After taking a deep breath Ciel looked back into Sebastian's eyes and smiled slightly.
"Let me explain please."..... Things were going to be alright....

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