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...by the end of the movie Ciel had fallen asleep against Sebastian's chest, his ears twitching and tail flicking. Each and every breath ghosted over the mans skin and made goose bumps appear.

But all Sebastian could do was worry. Tomorrow he had work. What was he to do? Make the kitten stay at home? Or he could bring the kitten with him? It was fact that cats could understand Neko's, and Neko's could understand cats...

Eventually after a few more minutes with thought Sebastian allowed his eyes to close, too tired to even think anymore. With an amazing cat boy in his arms and surrounded by a warm environment he fell asleep...

... Left right and centre phones were calling off of the hook, appointments being booked or cancelled. Voices overcrowded the senses of all that were not use to it. And one of these people was a scared little Neko called Ciel. His ears were flat atop his head and his tail was in between his legs, he was so glad that this was the front desk. From what Sebastian had told him, there was a place so quiet -behind a pair of silver and white doors- that you could hear even the smallest cats purr. That must mean it was really quiet.

Sebastian was cantering around the room, finding out his appointments- which were mainly with felines- and then motioned for the small Neko to walk through the heavy door. And he did so without question, but there was a little struggle with actually opening the door, which was rather cute.
Walking down the halls was interesting, Ciels face had scrunched up in disgust due to the different smells. Death, antiseptic and then the smell of....coffee?

Once Sebastian had noticed Ciels look he had immediately remembered that a Neko's nose was VERY sensitive, as was his tail and hearing. But he seemed to be very interested in the place around him, his eyes following anything that they passed.

Unfortunately though, when the couple walked into a room with a cat in it Ciel had freaked out slightly, turning paler and paler. Sebastian was severely worried-

"Ciel are you alright?" He asked, going over to the kitten and embracing him, kissing his twitching ear. In response Ciel had shoved his face into the mans chest and inhaled, making him come back to his senses.
He could not stand looking at needles, they just gave him so many bad memories. He guessed that needles were his weakness, and maybe the man holding his was a weakness too. But Ciel knew that Sebastian was perfectly capable of defending for himself, very capable.

Pulling back Ciel gave a firm nod and pointed to the needles by the side of the table. In answer Sebastian had stashed them in a drawer and nodded in affirmation, and a small deal was made.

The kitten advanced toward the cage, in it was a cat that was hissing and whining. Not wanting to leave the cage as she was scared. Ciel needed to calm her down, and fast.

Sebastian watched, amazed to watch Ciel talking like a cat, saying God know what but making the cat come out of the cage, step by step. And once the cat was in front of Sebastian, she laid down and started to yowl, trying to tell him something.

"She's giving birth Sebastian, but one had got stuck." Ciel translated, stroking the cats head as she laid there, twitching and clearly showing signs of being in pain. Straight away the vet got to work...

... After work Sebastian felt accomplished, he had moved through so many more 'patients' in this day than any other. And this was all thanks to the Neko that was currently walking beside him. He was In His own little world, staring hungrily at the pigeons as they flapped around in a water fountain close by. Sebastian shook his head and directed Ciel close to the park, taking him on a nice walk around the large lake. And just talking, getting to know each other.

By the end of the walk Sebastian had his arm around Ciels waist, and Ciel was leaning into the warmth of the man. His eyes bright as he watched a pair of swans looking at a small hatching egg. He smiled and pointed it out to Sebastian, excited to see something so cool. When the egg hatched a little grey duckling poked its head out, and Ciel had purred in satisfaction. Causing Sebastian to rub him behind the ear.

It was a beautiful sight for others to see. The two beautiful people wrapped in each other's arms. An old couple walked past the cuddling men, both smiling at how much they seemed so relaxed with each other. It made the old people think of when they were first courting, and in their hearts wished the best for the tall man and small boy...

... Once they got home Sebastian had praised Ciel for the work he had done, which caused the kitten to blush immensely and brush it off as nothing.

"Ciel, I would like to ask you a question" Sebastian stated. Pulling the small Neko onto his lap.

Ciel nodded and turned around so he was straddling Sebastian, which made Sebastian's eyes dilate and his breathing to increase.
"Yes?" He looked innocently at his master, awaiting the question.

"Would you come and work with me from now on, I'm getting so much more work done now, and it would be so much easier. And you will get paid too. What do you say?" The man asked, badly wanting the kitten to say yes. He would not have to worry about Ciel if he said yes, the Neko would be with Sebastian 24/7 If he did. No worrying what so ever, and this is exactly what Sebastian wanted.

Ciels eyes turned unfocused, thinking of the answer and what benefits he could get out of it. He could leave Sebastian. He would no longer be a burden over the mans head.
Yes... Ciel felt like a burden to the large and yet attractive man, he felt like he was holding Sebastian back. The Neko had already ruined the relationship with his father, and besides, Ciel was broken. Used, and was now unwanted.
What Sebastian did not know though, was that the moment Ciels side healed up he was going to have a discussion with the man, thanking him and then leaving, it was only the best. Who would want a half human half feline, I'd you could easily have a true feline any other day anyway?

"I'd love to."..

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