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"Take a seat 'dad'" Sebastian offered, with a undertone of a order to his father. This was the wine for Sebastian to kick his father out. All he wanted was his money and now his Neko, that was not going to happen. Not at all.

Michael shot a questioning glance at his slut then took a cautious seat at the table, looking around for Ciel as he thought this was all for breakfast.

"Okay, what's up son?" His voice was chirpy but was now starting to creep into the unsure area. To this question Sebastian leaned forward in his seat then gave a sickly sweet smile to his supposed father.

"Let's discuss about last night.".....

...Ciel could hear the shouting and fighting way off, his little ears flickering with each sound, each syllable. The Neko was surprised that people in the next neighbourhood could not hear him, he was shouting loud enough. It reminded Ciel of the time in that cage,those dark dark times.

Ciel was just so glad that it was not him that was getting shouted out. He had unfortunately became a literal scaredy cat when someone screamed or even berated him.this was another reason that Ciel liked Sebastian. Sebastian always had a smooth and relaxed voice, a deep timbre of liquid honey. His voice was never raised or used to grate on Ciels nerves.

"You come in here thinking that you can squeeze money out of me. Well I'm sorry 'father' but you are horribly mistaken with that. In fact-" Sebastian went on and on. The kitten just say in the library, happily looking over the book that was nestled in his hands 'MACBETH' it was such a good book.
The Neko loved reading Shakespeare's work, Ciel believed that Shakespeare must have been a god or something. The beautiful sonnets, plays and tragedies. Oh, how Ciel adored them.
Each line or word in his work was a master piece, meanings, double meanings. Hell, even triple meanings! The possibilities of his words were endless...

... Half an hour later Ciel decided that sitting under a table was comfy. The book long forgotten as his playful side was peaking. He had scavenged a few knights from a glass chess set that he had came across. The kitten had picked them up and was now making them fight against each other. An all out battle between four horses and a pack of sharpeners he had found, the rubber band that he found in the floor was creating a sort of arena. Ciel did not know that made this fascinating, but it was just amusing to him. The cold glass against the oddly shaped metal.

Unfortunately a kitten is not always satisfied, just as Ciel came across an interesting pair of glasses his stomach rumbled, demanding to be fed the nutrition that the kitten could not conjure up through thin air.

In a quick moment Ciel had placed the glasses on his nose and stumbled throughout the house. Searching with a curious and cute expression on his face. It was unexpected but Ciel had somehow ended up back in the bathroom, he was smart enough to avoid the bath or the weirdly nice and yet disgusting liquids.
Looking around the Neko opted for sitting on the counter, looking at the objects by the sink. He knew that the silver things were called taps, they produced water. And the small tube thing was called toothpaste, that apparently tasted minty.

But his wandering eyes stopped at a pink liquid, this one read 'mouthwash' and that had Ciel interested. How was it suppose to be used? Was it drunk? Was it injected?; Ciel shivered at the thought of an injection.
There were smaller letters on the bottle but the glasses that Ciel was wearing covered the letters, it looked all blurry and unfocused. The Neko pulled the glasses down a notch and noticed that the cap was slightly undone. Leaning forward he sniffed the bottle- then reared back. Effectively making himself fall off the counter and to hit his tail on the ground.
It was pain, Ciel was in pain. His tail hurt and as did his head. This was why the Neko could not help but to start crying. Fat beads of water turned into a sheen over Ciels large sapphires eyes, then gathered at the base of his eye. Tears spilled out one by one. And Ciel continued to yowl, holding his poor tail in his shaking hands and still lying on the floor looking up at the ceiling. The glasses were no longer making the place blurry, Ciels tears were.

It was then that the door banged open and Sebastian came in, having heard the kitten fall he had straight away went searching for the source. His father was long gone and was now out of his life. Sebastian felt happier, like a weight had been lifted off of his chest. And when he saw Ciel, Sebastian could not help but crack a small smile before getting worried and started to work on the poor crying Neko...

...two plasters, one bandage and a kiss on the tail later and Ciel was sitting on the kitchen side. Looking at his bandaged tail that was twitching. He was angry at his kitten instincts, Ciel did sometimes wish that he was not a kitten, if he was a fully grown Tom then he would be considered a little more mature than he actually was. But right now he was 'cute' and the thought of that was disgusting.

"Ciel, look at me." Sebastian softly commanded. And then placed his cool fingers under the kittens chin, lifting his head up the man was surprised to see Ciel was looking at Sebastian with sad and apologising eyes. Ciel had done nothing, so why apologise.
That was then that two slender arms, plus a furry tail wrapped around Sebastian as Ciel enveloped the elder man in a hug, his slim legs also wrapped his waist as Ciel clung onto Sebastian, meowing and whimpering in apology. Sebastian was not even mad with the kitten, why would he be mad?

But nevertheless Sebastian chuckled and kissed Ciel on the ear, it twitched as a result and Ciel looked at Sebastian with big doe eyes, then Sebastian slowly leaned down. Careful not to scare the kitten and placed a small and tender kiss in the kittens soft and inviting lips...

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