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Ashtray 🥰
Caaan u come get me?ppp
Bitch ✌🏻
Depends where u at?
Ashtray 🥰
Uhhhh some hoosepartyyy i can't fin anyoness thhey ditched me :(()(
Yo, im comin sit your ass down and don't move I got ur location I mean it stay there don't fuckin move
Ashtray 🥰
Finnnen I'm on a couch somewheree, dount txt an drive ash I mean it

Half an hour later he finally gets to her location

"Yo hurry the fuck up" Ashtray says opening the door.

"I'm so sorry I'm taking so long" giggles as she slips trying to get in.

"Yo you drunk?" He says getting out the car. "The things I do for you dumbass" helps her into the car.

"Thanks Ashy" she says finally getting in and connecting her phone to the car.

"Never call me that again, and don't yo think we're listenin to your shitty music" he says trying to snatch it off her as they get to a red light.

"Noooo! Stoppp just let me play my music!" She says giving him puppy dog eyes.

"Yo know those eyes only work on fez I ain't fallin for your trick dumbass." He says as good 4 u blares. "Fuck you" he says shaking his head as she sings along loudly.

Good 4 u- Olivia Rodrigo

"Good for you you look look happy and healthy not me if you even cared to askkk!" She sings, singing in his face.

"Your so fuckin annoying man" he says looking at her.

"Yo, I only just realised we have the same name, it's such a cool fuckin name other than ashtray" she says giggling as she carries on singing.

He flips her off, as she giggles even more.

The next song plays- Rapunzel- Emlyn

"Not her again! For fucks sake liv, she alway so mad about her ex" he says as she sings.

"Yeah well she's expressing her emotions through song, at least she shows emotion!" She says going back to singing in the chorus.

"God how long until we're back?! That party was ages away" he says as the song finishes. "Finally" he says exhaling. 

The next song plays- lay me down- Sam Smith

"Oh for fucks sake not this, they're always fuckin depressed" he says looking at her as she's getting emotional.

"You know what this song fuckin means to me ash don't fuckin dare" she says singing as a few tears drop down her cheeks.

"Im sorry, I know it was your mamas favourite" he says kissing her hand softly.

"I just miss her" she says listening to the song.

"I know" he says putting his hands back on the steering wheel.

The next few songs play: latch- Sam Smith, what a time- Julia Michaels + Niall Horan, boys will be boys-emlyn and finally traitor- Olivia Rodrigo.

"You have shockin music taste" he says as he helps her out of the car.

She flips him off as they walk to the door as they unlock it silently trying not to wake his brother and Lexi who were asleep on the couch.

Hey everyone, I really hope your enjoying this I'm trying my best. I'm so glad you enjoyed my Jonny Goodman story and I'll try to update it asap, but I wanna focus on this one first <3

Love liv

Word count: 552

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