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No this isn't a chapter. I am just so sickened by what has happened today. After 50 years, abortion has been banned in most states. I honestly don't know what this world is anymore.

Your telling me that everybody has the right to own a fucking gun but people don't get to make decisions for their own fucking body?! This world has gone to utter shit. I hope you all know that. I'm so fucking angry right now with the Supreme Court.

If your pro-life block me right the fuck now. We need to end this now! They need to get what we've been telling them it's our bodies it's our choice! Why is that so fucking hard to understand?

US Supreme Court: guns for all, abortions for nobody. What a fucking disgrace.

Take care of yourselves today everybody. My heart and mind is so heavy right now- I'm sick to my stomach. We knew this was coming for a minute but WOW it makes me fearful for all the other "don't worry, that's not gonna happen" days were are about to experience.

I honestly don't know what the fuck has just happened?! Women fought so hard to get those rights and now they've been taken away in the blink of an eye. I'm fed up of all this bullshit! Why do men get to decide what we do with our bodies what is this fucking world.

We need to fight this. Look me up on Twitter to join the conversation we need to fix this @Livsdumb18 same as my Wattpad.

I'm sorry I got so political on here I'm just so so angry and upset. This cannot happen we have to make them stop and think.

Right. Fucking. Now

Thanks for listening. liv 💗

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