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Back to school was always awful especially when you went to east Highland.

"Get up" she says as she hits him with a pillow.

"No not this year" he says moving his head back into the pillow.

"Come on" she says as she kisses down his neck.

"Ma! Stop" he says groaning even more into his pillow.

She gets up and gets changed into a black shirt that is short and hangs off her shoulders with some denim jeans.

"No" he says getting up and grabbing a hoodie. "Put it on" he says kissing her head.

"Why?" She asks putting on some blush. "I thought I looked nice" she says doubting herself.

"Hey you do you look amazin but I don't like how Nate looks at the girls at school it fuckin makes me sick there's no way he's lookin at you" ash says kissing her neck.

"Ash you make me really happy" she says looking up at him smiling.

He kisses her as he leaves saying "same ma".

He has a shower as she's waiting for him.

"Ash come on we're gonna be late!" She shouts into the bathroom.

"I need five fuckin minutes ma" he says.

"Don't forget we need to pick up Rue Rue" she says into the little gap between the door.

"Really, oh for fucks sake" he says putting on aftershave.
They both leave for school, he drives her there as they wait for rue.

Rue Rue ❤️🦋

Heyyy u nearly ready?? ❤️❤️

Livvv ❤️✨

Yep coming now, is it alright if Gia gets dropped off to? Will ash mind? ❤️❤️

Rue Rue ❤️🦋

Yeah, ash will be pissed but he has no choice 😜❤️❤️

Gia and Rue both get in his car.

"Yo, I only agreed to rue" he says looking at her.

"Ash, Gia needed a ride" she says looking at him.

"God, you piss me off" he says smirking a little bit.

"We missed something here?" Rue asks.

"We kissed I don't know what that makes us but" she says.

"Your my girl okay" he says looking at the road.

She plugs her phone in and the first song plays. Drivers license- Olivia Rodrigo

"Seriously?" He says.

"Yo this song is so good" Gia says singing along as rue snorts some drugs in the back.

"Yo don't make a mess" he says as the girls sing along.
They walk in and they meet Maddy.

"Hey Maddy!" Liv says hugging her.

"Hey bitch, hey ashtray" she says looking at them smirking.

"Yo Rue you got anything left" ash says as he pulls out a lighter.

"I have some but should you be high in class?" Liv asks.

"You know the answer to that ma" he says kissing her.

"Fine, I want some to" she says getting it out of her bag.

They both smoke it as they start to get high; the bell goes and they walk into class.
At break


Meet me in the biology classroom come alone


Who the fuck is this?
I'll come but only cuz I wanna know who the fuck u are.

"Where you going" ash says standing at her locker.

"I got some weird texts I'm gonna go and meet them" she says.

"Why, like use some common fuckin sense show me the messages" he says.

She hands her phone to him as he looks through the messages.

"Oh fuck no" he says. "There's no way your fuckin going" he says.

"Ash, come with me, I'm going but come with me" she says.

"Why please don't fuckin go I don't trust it" he says looking at her.

"I'm going" she says as she grabs his hand.

She goes to the biology room Ash just outside.

"Nate fucking Jacobs why did you text me" she says.

"I said alone you dumb bitch" he says as he grabs her neck and pins her to the wall, her gasping for air. Ash notices and punches him repeatedly.

"Ash" her voice breaks.

"I tried to warn you ma" he says hugging her his hands covered in his blood.

"What the fuck happened" Maddy says walking in.

"Tell your boyfriend to keep his fuckin hands off ma girl" he says picking her up. "He choked her" he says walking out.

"Wait what? Ash explain" she says following her.

"Not now Maddy" he says leaving.

"Baby, I really wanna do history" she says.

"Ma, there's marks" he whispers softly and sadly.
She's called into the office.

"Who did that to you" the principal says.

"Uh" she says trying to speak.

"Was it your boyfriend Ashtray?" He says.

"No fuck no, such a stereotype, it was Nate I can speak now it was Nate fuckin Jacobs" she says.

"Oh again" he says shaking his head.

"What do you mean again?" She asks.

"Maddy last year he did the same thing" he says.

"Can I just go home?" she says.

"Yeah. I've called the police they'll be talking to you tomorrow." He says.

Word count: 827

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