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"Ash I love you so fucking much" she says kissing him on his lap.

"Liv I love you so fucking much" he says whilst kissing her deeper.

She takes off his hoodie which she's wearing which leaves her in just her bra.

"Wow" he exhales kissing down her neck.

"Do you wanna do this?" He asks her softly.

"Yes" she whispers.

"Okay" he says sliding his hand down her underwear.

She gasps as his finger enters her. Her eyes shut as she exhales smiling.

"That feel nice?" He asks her looking at her.

"Mhm" she says moaning.
"I love you Ash, like really fucking seriously I love you." She kisses him smiling.  "I really hope we weren't too loud" she says.

"Who cares if we were" he says looking at her.
"Mornin livvy" Fez says kissing her head.

"Morning Fez" she says smiling eating some cereal.

"Me and Lexi need to talk to you" he says.

"Okay, oh my god is she pregnant!!!!" She says getting excited.

"No, no fuck no not yet" Fez says quickly.

"Aww. Fine what is it you going on a trip?" She asks him.

"Sorta, listen I need Lexi to tell yo guys" he says sitting down.
"What is it come on bro spit it out" Ash says.

"We're going on a trip to look for a new place" he says.

"Oh cool" she says.

"What?" Ash says.

"Ash, you can keep this place but Lexi has her life all planned out and it sounds amazin and I really really love her. I need to get out of this shit town" he says looking at Ash.

"So your leaving me too? I-I thought we stuck together?!" He says walking into his room and slamming his door.

"Fuck" he looks down.

"Fez, you deserve to be happy Ash just doesn't wanna lose you. He'll calm down, and he'll be happy for you and Lexi just like I am. We're just gonna miss you" she says hugging him.

"I'm gonna miss you to kid so much" he says hugging her.

"I'm gonna go see how he is." She says pulling away.

When she walks into his room it's all destroyed and he's against the wall sobbing.

"God Ash" she says a few tears rolling down her cheeks as she goes to sit down next to him.

"H-he promised" he says still crying.

"Oh baby, you know it's best for him and Lexi right" she says resting her head on his shoulder. "Can I see your hands?" She says as he shows his bloody hands.
"God your poor knuckles" she says kissing them.

"You have blood on yo lips" he says wiping it off. "I punched the table and it cracked and it cut my knuckles." He says looking at her.

"I can see, god baby" she says getting up.

She leaves his room and walks into the kitchen Fez is pacing up and down Lexi trying to calm him down.

"He's 16 I thought he was ready, he's really happy with Livvy." He says as Lexi wraps his arms around him.

"Hey, First aid kit?" She says asking as Fez looks down.

"Top of the cupboards" Lexi says.

Back in Ash's room

"Hey baby" she says as she sits down taking his hand.

"You know everyone I've ever loved has or is going to leave me. My mama she left me with grandma and never came to pick me up. Then grandma almost died and now won't wake up. Now it's Fez and Lexi, it's not fuckin fair. You know next it's gonna be you." He says a few tears rolling down his cheeks.

"Hey baby, I won't ever fuckin leave you. And I'm so sorry your mama left you like that. Your grandma was a good woman baby, who did a lot of drugs and it caught up with her. And fez and Lexi they aren't leaving you there just moving to a new place. They need change baby, they're happy." She says cleaning up his knuckles dabbing gently trying not to hurt him even more.

"I know but I just them and you. my life was goin so well and suddenly it's shit" he says.

"You still have them they'll just be a bit more further away" she says as she kisses him deeply. "But me I'll be here with you always" she says.

"Don't say that, you can't promise it" he says looking at her.

"Okay" she says kissing his cheek.

Hey everyone, this is the most I've ever written for a story I've never got to chapter 10 so I hope your really enjoying and I'm gonna keep trying to think of things so I can update, I love you Liv <3

Word count: 794

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