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She wakes up with an awful headache as she leans over to Ash and hugs him he winces.

"Baby, what happened with Mouse." She says worried.

"Mhm" he says moving slowly.

She gets up and walks in the bathroom and the towels are red with blood. The sink has red hand marks and the shower has stained blood at the bottom of it.

"Baby, why does our bathroom look like an abattoir?" She asks worried. "Tell me or I'll literally fucking jump on you and hurt you more and I really don't wanna do that" she says getting back in bed.

"He was chatting shit about you and Lexi. I punched him, I know I shouldn't of but I couldn't stand him, him of all people say those fuckin words. Then he punched back he kicked and then Fez shot him. So it's mostly Mouses blood. I'm just bruised maybe a broken rib at most don't fuckin worry I missed you yesterday" he says smiling.

"Let me look at where your hurt" she says putting the light on.

"Fuck ma my eyes" he says rubbing them groaning.

"Fuck Ash" she says a few tears spilling down her cheeks. "That stupid mother fucker did this to you" she says as she kisses his bruises on his chest.

His chest rises up and down quicker.

"Oh am I hurting you!" She says stopping.

"No, it it just feels nice" he says shyly.

"Nobody's looked after you, after this has happened before have they?" She says continuing to kiss his bruises.

"Nobody's kissed them no" he says smiling.

"Okay, we are just having a day in bed you are going to rest" she says.

"How's Ash?" Lexi comes rushing in.

"Lexi, I'm fine" he says as she kisses him on the head. "Lex, your right on my rib" he says groaning a little.

"Fuck I'm sorry!!" She says. "You want anything?" She asks him.

"Lex I'm good, I'm just gonna be in bed all day with ma girl doing absolutely nothin" he says smiling.

Sorry this is so short I just wanted a filler chapter <3

Love liv

Word count: 358

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