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"So, Ash." Lexi starts.

"I know what your gonna say and I'm okay with it I have liv and we're happy it'll be nice for it to be just us" he says smiling.

"Good, because we really really like it." Lexi says smiling looking at Fez.

"We're so happy for you guys" she says hugging lexi.

"Yeah" he says as Liv comes back and he pulls her to him hugging her. "You know I actually can't wait until we have the whole house to ourself" he says as she hits him. "What?" He says smirking.

"You know what" she says looking up at him.

"Stop just stop man" Fez says laughing.
"How you feeling about it my love?" She asks him wrapping her arms around his neck.

"I'm happy for them" he says kissing her.

"I wanna listen to music, ash wanna dance with me?" She says smiling.

"Hell yeah baby" he says kissing her.

She connects her phone and lover- Taylor Swift

She instantly smiles remembering the moment they had that year ago. He just looks at her admiring her reminiscing of them high and dancing.

"I can't believe it's been a year baby" he says.

"I know, tomorrow we would be together for a year." She says smiling.

"I love you ma always." He says kissing her head.

"I love you baby always, you sure your okay, you only kiss my head when I'm either asleep or on my period." She says looking at him.

"I wanna give you something, don't like freak out" he says breaking away from her and grabbing something from inside the drawer.

"What?" She says looking at him.

"I love you so fucking much ma, and I really really wanna spend like my whole life with you. So I give you this promise ring and promise I'll always love you and care for you through anything and everything since it's just us now I think it's gonna be fun." He says smiling. "So do you except this promise ring, I think that's what your like supposed to ask who fucking knows." He says laughing.

"I really fucking do" she says in tears.

The ring:

Yes this is my ring 😂😂 I couldn't find it lol <3

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Yes this is my ring 😂😂 I couldn't find it lol <3

"Oh ash it's beautiful" she says as he kisses her, it on her middle finger.

I'm really running out of ideas so I might just finish it on the next chapter. Please don't hate me but I can't think of anything!! <3

Love liv

Word count: 419

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