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"Yo hurry up!" Ash shouts outside of her room.

"Leave me alone! It takes time stop being so impatient!!" She says still picking out a dress. She goes for this tight black dress which showed nearly her whole back.

"How long does it actually take, have you even picked a fuckin dress yet?" He asks sitting down next to Fez knowing she's going to be a while.

"Where yo guys even going?" Fez asks as Lexi cooks.

"Some party at Nate's house, I fuckin hate him so much" he says.

"My girl and I could come?" Fez asks ash but mainly Lexi.

"Sure" she says putting the cookies in the oven. "Watch those" she smiles as she leaves to get changed.
"Lexi is literally fuckin done before you and she went to get changed later! How is that fuckin possible?" Ash asks banging on her door.

"Alright, alright, I'm coming" she walks out as ash's jaw dropped a little.

"Woah liv, you look gorgeous!" Lexi says hugging her.

"Ash pick your jaw off ma floor" Fez says smirking.

"Fuck off Fez" he says. "Yo your dumbass actually looks real nice" he says shyly.

"Thanks Ash" she says as she kisses his cheek. "We going then, I think we're already quite late." She says grabbing her black heels.

"I wonder who's fuckin fault that was!" Ashtray exclaims.

"I knew that comment wouldn't end well" Fez says laughing moving his arms around Lexi's waist.

"Okay okay everyone needs to get in the car and stop arguing!" Lexi says walking out the front door.

Ever since Lexi moved in, everything has been quite peaceful. Faye and Ash have stopped arguing all the time about little things like the remote, the cereal etc. Fez knew what the toll this action had taken, and he loved it. Ash wasn't always so tough and him and Lexi had a great relationship he could talk about anything with her and Fez loved that. He always wanted Ash to be a kid, instead of who he was. He finally got him in a school, Livs school and he absolutely hated it, he had to see Nate's stupid face everyday, and he wouldn't dare miss a day because Lexi was at the same school and she always looks for him making sure he's still there. He hated that, but didn't mind as it was Lexi.

When they reach the party she goes to find Maddy as ash sits with Fez and Lexi.

"Hey bitch!!" Maddy says as she hugs her giving her a shot.

She drinks it suddenly feeling the burn of vodka reaching her throat she scrunches her face a little as Maddy just downs it.

"How?!" She says giggling.

"I don't know I wanna find Cassie, coming with?" She asks.

"No I'm gonna find Rue Rue" liv says putting down the shot glass.

"She'll probably be with Jules." Maddy says going to find Cassie.

"Hey ash! You seen Rue Rue?" She asks sitting next to him.

"Probably with jewel" he says smoking some weed.

"Can I have some?" She asks him.

"Yeah" passes it to her as she takes a drag.

After a few minutes it hits her brain and she's just talking nonsense with ash and he's fine with it because by now he's really high.

"And I just said you a bitch, fuck you" she says explaining some story which ash isn't listening to.

"Word" he says.

"Word" she says resting her head on his shoulder.

"Ash do you like me, cuz sometimes your just so mean and angry" she says still resting her head on his shoulder.

"Yeah , I like you. Your ass just annoyin and always pissin me off" he says taking another drag.

"No more" Fez says taking it off him.

"I need, I need to find rue rue" she says getting up but falling.

"Fuckin hell" he says helping her up. "At least I can actually walk dumbass" he says helping her find Rue his arm around her waist holding her up.

"Yo, ashtray" Nate says and ash immediately rolls his eyes. "What you done with her?" He asks.

"I ain't done fuckin nothin she's just high and drunk keep your own comments to your fuckin self" he says pushing past him. "We should go ma" he says to her ear as she nods. "I'll find fez and Lexi" by this point he's getting sober.

"Heyyy!" She says groggily sitting next to Lexi.

"This is why I took the blunt off your asses, this exact fuckin reason let's go home, Ash pick her up I got ma girl you get yours" he says taking Lexi's hand.

"She not ma fuckin girl" he says picking her up carefully and leaving.

Hey everyone, just wanna say I really hope your enjoying it and I'll try and update when I can <3

Love Liv

Word count: 813

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