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"How is Ash this morning?" Lexi asks.

"He's okay. He literally sobbed. I've never seen him like that ever. He explained what happened with his mama and how she left him. How his Grandma left him and now how you guys are leaving him. He thinks I'm next" she says sadly.

"I didn't wanna make him feel like that. The last thing I wanted was to make him feel like that" Fez says knocking on Ash's door.

"Ma you don't have to knock!" He says.

"It's not Liv it's me, can we talk bro?" Fez says.

"Yeah" ash says as Fez opens the door.

"I'm sorry, alright. I just really really love Lexi and this town isn't it anymore." Fez says.

"I know but I just don't want you to go." Ash says sitting up. "Loads of people have left me but I never thought you would" he says.

"I love Lexi. We need a place of our own. I love livin with you guys I do, but we need our own space just like you guys do. That's why   we're givin you this place. Ash, Grandmas gettin worse." He says sitting on his bed.

"So, we get this place" he says. "How bad?" He asks.

"She ain't breathin on her own no more"he says sadly.

"Oh, Will will we have to switch it off?" Ash asks.

Fez nods as a tear rolls down his face.

"Fuck" he exhales as a tear drops down his cheek.

"I know Ash" he says hugging him.

"I love you bro, you know that?" Ash says.

"Yeah, I love you bruh" fez says pulling away. "We good?" Fez asks.

"We good" Ash says.
"Hey" he says walking into the kitchen.

"Hey baby" she says as he kisses her.

"Your all tense, I'm okay ma I promise." He says kissing down her neck as she relaxes.

"Yo we are right here" fez says eating cereal.

"We talked we're good" ash says.
A few hours later she's in his bed.

"Baby, you feel boiling, you feeling okay?" She asks touching his forehead.

"I feel weird" he says.

"You probably have the flu babe" she says getting up and walking into the kitchen grabbing a thermometer.

"He ill?" fez says as she nods.

"Fuck he's always so pissy and angry, I suppose I'll go and check on him" Fez says.

"Im looking after him so don't worry." She says walking into his room.

"Hey " she says sitting on his bed and putting the thermometer in his mouth.

"Okay that's high, you definitely have a fever." She says kissing his head. "I'm gonna run you a bath okay?" She says going into the bathroom and running him a bath.
He gets in the bath as she sits beside him. "That helping?" She asks looking at him as he nods. She keeps putting water on his back making sure he stays cool. "I love you" she says kissing his head.

"B-baby I'm cold." He says as she turns on the hot tap. "I love you" he says shivering.

She puts hot water over him as he still shivers. She grabs the towel and puts it on her lap. "Wanna get out yet?" She asks him as he nods.
They're in bed he's wearing a hoodie joggers and is under the duvet.

"I love you" he says kissing her shivering still.

"I love you and I want you to get better so what you wanna watch?" She asks him.

"Your choice beautiful" he says as she blushes to the new nickname.

"The fault in our stars?" She says.

"Your just gonna be upset though" he says kissing her head.

"I don't care" she says smiling as she presses play.
She's sobbing as Ash is shaking his head.

"I literally warned you" he says kissing her head.

"Why did he have to die" she says tears rolling down her cheeks.

"Life's a bitch baby" he says kissing her.

Love liv

Word count: 664

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