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A few weeks had gone by and she was starting to show.

Maddy 💗💗

Honey are you having a baby and didn't tell me?!

Liv 💗🥰

Yeah, I'm so sorry I didn't tell you! I was just so busy and tired when are u coming back? I miss you

Maddy 💗💗

Tomorrow, u guys still staying in the same place?

Liv 💗🥰

Yeah, we're trying to move before there born it's a fucking nightmare mads. How's addy? 🥰

Maddy finally got rid of Nate and found herself a really cute husband. His name is Blake and they have a daughter together called Adelaide. She's two and she hasn't seen her since she was a newborn so she couldn't wait to see Maddy again.

Maddy 💗💗

She's a little terror. Terrible twos I think 😂 but she's perfect you and Ash should definitely move closer to us I mean your so far away from like everyone.

Liv 💗🥰

Yeah that's what we're trying to do, there so fucking expensive. 😫

"Who you texting beautiful" he says kissing her head.

"Maddy" she says as he hands her a glass of juice.

"How's addy?" He asks.

"She's good, apparently she's a little terror." She says laughing.

"Like mother like daughter" he says laughing as she hits him. "Sorry" he apologises.

"It's okay" she says kissing him.

"You feeling better?" He asks looking at her.

"Yeah baby" she says smiling as she kisses his jaw softly.

Lexi and Fez

"Riley! Stop hiding Harpers shoes!" Lexi shouts up the stairs.

"Again?" Fez asks placing Theo in the bouncer.

"Again" she sighs laughing a bit.

"It wasn't me!" She shouts down the stairs.

"Okay then I believe you, who was it?" Lexi shouts up the stairs.

"Uh, uh it it was Theo!!" She shouts back down the stairs.

"Naughty little Theo" Lexi says making her come downstairs.

"I know" Riley says putting on her shoes.

"Nice try honey, go get them" Lexi says as she stomps yo the stairs getting Harpers shoes.

God I'm so sorry about how awful this chapter is. It's so short too!! I have awful awful writers block and I'm so sorry I'll try and write when I can but be patient with me and hopefully I'll be able to write a full chapter for you guys! Thank you so much for 500 reads that was my goal and I've reached it you have no idea how much this means to me. I love you all <3

Love liv

Word count: 411

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