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Okay so I was gonna end this but an amazing person @marleymoo817 told me to continue it so I will. <3 The next few chapters will focus on her pregnancy love you all liv <3

It's the early morning there in bed just waking up.

"Morning beautiful" he says tucking her hair behind her ear.

"Morning my love" she replies smiling as he gets on top of her.

"This is the best way to start the day" she says smiling as he runs his finger over the top of his hoodie.

"Fuck" she winces.

"What?" He says looking worried.

"They just really hurt, I think it's a pregnancy thing" she says looking up at him.

"I'm sorry I hurt you" he says kissing her softly.

"It wasn't your fault" she says cupping his face with her hands.

"Do you still want to I don't wanna hurt you" he says kissing her head.

"Yeah, just be more gentle than usual yeah?" She asks.

"Of course" he says kissing her.
"I really don't feel well" she says as she moves her head onto his chest him stroking her hair. "I think I'm gonna be sick" she says running to the bathroom and throws up him rubbing her back.

"I'll get you some water baby" he says kissing the back of her head.

After he gets her some water she's sitting by the bath with her head back.

"Hey baby here's some water" he says giving it her as he sits down next to her. "Drink baby it'll help" he says kissing her shoulder.

She takes a sip as she lays her head on Ash's shoulder.

"This isn't as fun as I imagined" she says.

"Well when we meet them it will be" he says resting his head on hers.

"I love you Ash so much, I'm so glad I married you" she says looking at him.

"I love you so much and I'm so glad you said yes" he says kissing her head.
Fez and Lexi

"I can't believe Ash is going to be a dad" Lexi says getting into bed.

"Yeah, he's gonna be so amazin" Fez says picking up Theo.

"Just like you are" Lexi says smiling looking at her 2 boys.

"I'm sorry your plan didn't work out baby" Fez says placing Theo down next to Lexi getting in bed.

"It did though just 10 years early" she says. "I've got everything I want, 2 amazing little girls and our baby boy" she says whilst kissing his head.

"We're so lucky baby, we got everything we want and we ain't even 30 yet" he says placing his hand on Theo's belly rubbing carefully. "You know when we were told we were having a boy I was nervous because I only knew how to look after girls but now that he's here I know how to look after him. I had to learn how to be a good dad but you you were already there your a natural mom Lexi and our kids are the luckiest to have you as there mama." He says looking at her.

"God I love you" she says getting up and taking Theo into his nursery.

"Okay, we need to be quiet" she says locking the door and kissing him.
Liv and Ash

"You feeling better" he says bringing her a cup of tea and sitting next to her as she cuddles into him.

"Yeah" she says taking the tea.

"What we watching?" He asks.

"I was thinking Parks and Recreation?" She asks.

"Yeah anything you want" he says kissing the side of her head as she presses play.

They watch Parks and Recreation for hours she's fallen asleep and he's just admiring her asleep on his lap.

Okay so I'm gonna do 2 sides I'm gonna do Lexi and Fez and Liv and Ash.
Please let me know what gender you want Ash and Livs baby to be <3

Love liv

Word count: 660

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