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"Ash!" Fez says walking into his room whilst she's sleeping.

"What" he whispers making sure she's still asleep.

"Mouse" he whispers.

"No, here?" Ash whispers.

"No but we gotta go meet him" Fez whispers.

"Okay" gets up carefully and kisses her head.
She wakes up and he's not there, she leaves her bedroom in his T shirt with just some underwear.

"Hey Lex Fez, can I come in?" She says knocking on the door.

"It's only me?" Lexi says confused.

"Really?" Liv asks walking in and sitting on the bed.

"Is ash there?" Lexi asks as liv gets under the covers.

"No, somethings up I can feel it I'm gonna look for a note you look for a note Fez definitely would I don't know about Ash." Liv says looking at Lexi.

"Yeah okay you go look" Lexi says getting up wearing Fez's jumper.

She walks into ash's room and finds a note on the bedside table.

Hey so sorry I'm not here when you wake up. Me and Fez are out, I'll explain later. Make sure Lexi knows what's going on, I think Fez wrote her something anyway have a good day, I'll be back around 1. I'll text you later. I love you dumbass

"Lexi, Ash wrote me a note." She says as she picks it up and walks into the kitchen.

"So did fez" she says reading it.

Hey baby, I'm doing this last drug thing for Mouse then we're done we're free. We can do your plan live on a farm have 3 kids. I'm all in, I just need us out of it especially Ash and Liv. I'm not having them do this and putting themselves in danger. I can't keep putting you in danger. I love you far too much to keep doing this to you. So me and Ash will be out all day and most of the night. I really don't want you guys worrying about us, you know us, we're always careful. Lexi, I love you. My grandma needs her meds at 10, 3 and 11, I trust you to do it more than Liv. Knowing her she'll probably be high all day worrying about Ash and he'll be doing the same. This note turned into more of a letter so I'm sorry about that but once again I wanna say I love you more than anything.
                                                                   -yours Fez x
"Drug deal" liv says. "Oh fuck I need some molly" she says going into Ash's room into the drawer.
"Ash, one fuckin thing please don't kill Mouse" Fez says looking at him.

"You know I can't promise that"  he says. "I've never liked him since he gave Rue and her Fetanyl. She didn't wake up for 3 days. What if it was Lexi?" He asks.

"I know. I don't want to imagine if it was Lexi. You know I love her to and seeing her like that was why I almost got the gun and shot him and had to calm you down. You loved her even then didn't you?" He asks smiling.

He just nods.

"Look at yo smilin and shit" Fez says.

"You can't talk, you were blushin and just starin at Lexi at the time yo beat Nate's ass at that New Years party." He says looking at him.
Inside Mouses place.

"We just want out" Fez says.

"I'm afraid that's a no" Mouse says counting the money.

"Look man, ma girl and I just wanna start fresh, and I don't want my bro involved or his girl please" Fez says.

Mouse punches ashtray.

"Yo what the fuck!" Fez shouts.

"Yo think I give a shit about your girls? There probably just whores who just fuck you for drugs." Mouse says as Ash gets up and punches him.

"Fuck" Fez whispers.

Ash is pushed to the ground and kicked repeatedly.

"Stop" Fez shouts punching Mouse.

"You didn't stop bruh" he says shooting him in the head.

"Fuck!" Ash groans.

Fez helps him up.

"Fuck ash, can you walk?" Fez asks looking worried.

"I thought I wasn't supposed to kill him" he says smiling at him limping.

"Shut up smart ass, you do realise you were getting your ass kicked literally" Fez says.
In the car, there driving back it's about midnight.

"What made you punch him. Liv and Lexi being called whores? I hated that to you don't think I fuckin didn't. I just can control my temper." He says looking at him.

"He doesn't even fuckin know her and then he says that shit! I mean Lexi, she'd never touch a fuckin drug in her life. Liv definitely has done a lot of drugs but we haven't even done anything yet. Fuck, I know I can't control my temper but I'm in a lot of fuckin pain and I don't need this bro." He says. "She'll be high right? I don't want her seein me like this" he says leaning against the window.

"I don't know bro, I don't know" he says.

Omg, Fez's letter 🥺
I've wanted Fexi for ages so I'm writing about it whilst doing liv and Ash. It makes me happy because I know that Lexi is amazing for him and I need her to know why he wasn't at her play 😩😩

Love liv

Word count: 884

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