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"Morning beautiful" ash says kissing her neck.

"Morning, my love" she says smiling as she moves her arms around him.

He kisses her deepening the kiss.

Early morning sex was there favourite. No one was there it was just them and they loved it.
"Hey, when are they coming back?" She asks making a cup of tea.

"I think in a few days, I'm so glad we bunked off school." He says moving his arms around her waist, it was around 10 am and they had done nothing except had sex a few times.

"Same" she says smiling. "I hate it there, you know when Lexi moves with Fez, we should just ditch school forever baby" she says looking up at him.

"Yeah definitely" he says kissing her cheek.
Fez 💗

Hey, you find any nice places? 🤍

Livvy 🤍🤍

A few Lexi likes this nice big house, it has a lot of rooms and it's actually rlly nice. I'm worried about how Ash will react when we tell him we're putting an offer in.

Fez 💗

Wow, I'm so happy for u guys!! We should defo come down and see it. How far away is it? 🤍

Livvy 🤍🤍

Only about an hour so not that far :)

Fez 💗

That's rlly good!! Ash will be fine we're kinda enjoying living alone ;)

Livvy 🤍🤍

Tmi Livvy jeez 😂 but I'm glad that we don't have to hear u guys every morning

Fez 💗

You can't say anything we always hear u and Lexi but urs is in the night we're just in the morning.

Livvy 🤍🤍

Ok, I hate this conversation we're having 😂. What have u been doing? You've been looking after the shop right.

Fez 💗

Yes definitely we're here rn.

Livvy 🤍🤍

Ur lying Rues looking after it, I scared youuu 😂

Fez 💗

Ur so meannnn!! U scared me then ughhhh I hate u

Livvy 🤍🤍

Sorry, do u still hate me? 😂

Fez 💗

Nah, I couldn't hate u for long <3
"Have they found any nice places?" Ash says walking into the living room.

"Yeah, lex really likes it" she says looking up at him. "It's only an hour away so it wouldn't take us that long" she says as he sits down next to her.

"Ok, as long as they're happy. Maybe living together just us won't be so bad" he says kissing her pulling her onto his lap.

I'm really running out of ideas so please comment some Thank you for 200 reads it's the highest I've ever got and I love you all <3

Love liv

Word count: 419

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