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Im slowly starting to get more inspiration slowly so be patient <3 I love you ❤️

Its about 4am and she's hungry so she's cutting up some watermelon. The knife slips and she cuts her hand.

"Fuck!!" She almost screams.

"Baby, what what's up?" He says rushing out of their room.

"I, I was hungry and I cut myself" she says sobbing.

"Its okay it's okay, it's just a small cut" he says grabbing a towel and cleaning the blood placing her on the counter. "You okay?" He says kissing her head still cleaning her cut. "You could've just asked me" he says looking up at her.

"You you were sleeping so peacefully" she says sniffling. "All these hormones are making me cry and I never fucking cry" she says sniffling once more.

"Deep breaths, catch your breath" he says looking at her as she starts to breathe slowly.

"I love you" she says almost sobbing again.

"Baby, I love you remember deep breaths" he says kissing her head.
"So how's the pregnancy going?" Maddy asks as Liv holds Addy.

"It's hard I mean I woke up at 4 this morning to cut myself some watermelon and cut my hand and I couldn't stop crying for like an hour." She says looking at Addy.

"Hormones are soo shit!!" Maddy adds.

"Yes they are" she agrees.

"Addy, do you want any more juice?" Ash says coming in.

"Yeahhh" she replies getting off Livs lap and on to the floor.

"She's so cute mads" liv says looking down at her. "Blake at work?" She asks.

"Yeah, normally it's just me and Addy but luckily today we have 2 visitors don't we Addy!" She says getting on the floor next to her helping her build something with some building blocks.

"Mads, do you think Im gonna be a good mom?" She asks her.

"Fuck yeah, sorry Addy I mean hell yeah" Maddy says. "Your gonna be so amazing" she says as Liv starts crying. "Oh girl I know those hormones come here" she says hugging her.

"Oh god crying again" he says as quietly as he can. "Addy here's your juice" he says placing her sippy cup on to the floor.
"You spoke to Lexi recently?" Maddy asks.

"Yeah I spoke to her this morning, Riley keeps hiding Harpers shoes" liv says laughing.

"I know, where does Riley get that idea?" Maddy says as Addy sleeps on her lap.

"Probably Fez" ash says tracing her tattoo on her arm.

"Probably" liv says laughing. "God it's been 2 years mads I've missed you far too much" liv says.

"You found any houses, because I'd love for us to get close again and that will work especially if you finally move out of east Highland." Maddy says stroking Addy's hair.

"There is this one house and it's about 15 minutes away and we're looking at buying it." She says smiling. "It has 4 bedrooms and it's quite new it's honestly so nice we're trying to sell the apartment then we could hopefully move in before the baby's born." She says looking at Maddy.

"Oh my god bitch!! I would hug you but Addy rarely sleeps so this is a big thing for me" she says laughing.

"She's perfect mads" liv says looking at Addy sleeping peacefully on Maddy's lap.
A few hours after they've left she's on call to Lexi.

"So how have you been?" Lexi asks.

"Honestly, I cry at fucking everything and I wanna eat 24/7" liv says.

"That's pregnancy in one sentence, I've been there but honestly it's so fucking worth it." Lexi says.

"The kids in bed?" Liv asks.

"Yep, Fez is reading them a bed time story, oh are you coming to Harpers 3rd birthday party next weekend?" Lexi asks.

"Wouldn't miss it for the world, I can't believe little Harper is turning 3!" She says as ash walks in sitting down next to her.

"Hey Lexi" he says turning on the tv.

"Hey ash, what you watching?" She asks.

"Hopefully shameless when liv gets off the phone." Ash says.

"Ash has spoken and he wants to watch shameless, tell me if you need any help picking up anything for Harpers birthday, I love you give my love to fez!" She says.

"I will love you lots, bye!" Lexi says as they end the call.

He turns on shameless and they just snuggle up watching it when they both fall asleep.

Oh my god it feels good to write 750 words again!! I needed silence and I could just write for hours I've got a few more drafts which I'm gonna improve for you all so they'll be done hopefully for tomorrow. I love you all <3

Love liv

Word count: 792

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