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He takes her home and she just lays in bed.

"Hey livvy, I heard what happened he'll pay trust us" Fez says kissing her head.

"What do you mean by that baby, who will?" Lexi says sitting on her bed.

"Nate choked me" she says a few tears rolling down her cheeks.

"Oh god love, baby where's Ash" she says.

"He's getting done for assault" she says.

"What?" Fez says getting angry.

"Yeah he's getting done for assault when Nate fucking choked me" she says still staring at the screen.

"That ain't fucking happening" fez says leaving.
Ash 😍🥰
Hey. I miss u where are u Fez says you got released and Nate got arrested. Where the fuck are u I'm worried call me baby ❤️

Dumbass ❤️‍🔥
Hey, yeah I'm out thank god. Me and Fez are meeting Mouse we didn't wanna tell you guys since you'd worry so don't tell Lexi. I'm gonna do something really bad so pls don't hate me. I love u ❤️

Ash 😍🥰
Ash, what do you mean. I don't like Mouse whatsoever he made Rue Rue almost overdose again. Please be fucking safe. Txt me when ur leaving. I love u ❤️ please please Ash don't do anything stupid. I'll be probs asleep when u finally get back so night. Come into my room tho yeah? Stay safe tell Fez night and I love him ❤️

Ash 😍🥰
Yeah, I will. I'll see you tonight ❤️

Lex ❤️🦋
Hey Lex the boys are out wanna watch the fear street movies wth me? ❤️❤️

Liviosa ❤️🦋
Yeah definitely, I'll grab some snacks. Where have they gone? 🥰❤️

Lex ❤️🦋
They're doing this final drug deal. Ash is rlly worrying me tho. I have a feeling he's gonna do something stupid. So that's why we just need to get drunk and watch some horror movies.

Liviosa ❤️🦋
Shit drug deal. I'll get the vodka fuck they'll be fine right?

Lex ❤️🦋
That is the whole reason we need to get wasted.

Lexi brings in the vodka and some shot glasses as they watch the fear street trilogy on the main couch. They aren't really watching it though. They're mainly chatting.

"Can I tell you a secret" liv says.

"Anything" Lexi replies back.

"Ash texted me he loved me, I kinda wish it wasn't on text but he actually fucking typed it and sent it" she says smiling.

"Wow, I think Fez told me he loved me a month into our relationship" she says taking a shot.

"Lex, we got so fuckin lucky" she says taking a shot.

"I know, I'm so glad I met him at that party" she says.

"He used to fuckin hate everything except me and ash, you've made him number 1 stop doing drugs which is so weird like I've never seen Fez sober and number 2 you've made him really enjoy life, I'm gonna tell you something he didn't give a shit about anything except me and ash, now he cares about life, Lex. I've always fuckin loved you but now I love you even more for making Fez who he is today, I love you Lex. That feels so good to just say because drunk words are sober thoughts." She says smiling.

Lexi's crying as she hugs her.

"You know I'm so happy with him I love you guys all of you" she says as she takes another shot.
It's 1am and they both come back.

"Yo" fez says smiling down at them passed out on the couch.

"They were worried" he says pointing to the empty bottle of vodka.

"Come on baby" Fez says picking up Lexi carefully. "Night ash" he says walking into their bedroom.

"Come on ma" he says picking her up kissing her head softly.
He gets her into bed and kisses her head as he gets changed and washes the blood off him.

I kinda really wanted to do just mainly a Lexi x Liv chapter next chapter will be focused on Fez and Ash. This is like the only story I've been able to write so quickly so you better be proud 🤣❤️

Love liv

Word count: 679

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