Chapter 1: A Glass Half-Full

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"Again," Mrs. Blake said, whacking my fingers gently with her stick. I winced. Not that I wasn't used to her hits. I have been suffering them for eight years now.

"Again?" I asked dubiously. "But this is the thirteenth time you're making me repeat."

"So you're keeping track now? It is not yet perfect. Start all over again." She adjusted her glasses.

I sighed and played again. My fingers moved and glided over the keys. I was feeling the rhythm of the piece and I was already impeccably halfway through it when suddenly, the door flew open and I made a terrible mistake due to the shock.

"Goodness gracious!" I heard Mrs. Blake say, unsure if she was referring to me or to the interruption.

I moaned on account of myself and I turned around to face the intruder.

"Hey, Fib, they're here!" my brother cried, slightly out of breath. Our dog, Mac, and our cat, Cheese, was at his heels, barking and meowing.

I jumped at his words and I immediately sprang from the piano bench. "Lesson's over, Mrs. Blake! See you tomorrow!" I said, running out of the parlor after my brother. We headed to the foyer and stopped outside the front door. I dusted off my pants and arranged the sleeves of my shirt. I wanted to look good in front of them. It had been almost two months since I last saw my parents. I didn't want to disappoint them.

They scrambled out of the car, assisted by Cliff, our chauffeur, who opened the door. That's when she came out, our mom, dressed in a flashy yellow dress and a white long coat. She was followed by our dad, who was puffing on a pipe, the familiar scent of his cigar distinct. He wore the clothes any regular dad wore: a buttoned shirt, a dark coat, slacks, and a shiny pair of shoes.

"Mom! Dad!" I cried, rushing to their side, and giving them tight hugs. It felt nice to be in their arms again.

"Oh, my darling!" Mom said, clutching my jawline and scrutinizing my face. "You looked prettier now than the last time I saw you."

"Shucks, I always look like this, Mom," I answered, eyeing her myself. "You look really tired."

"I'm tired from the flight. We both are."

"Seth, my boy!" Dad said, giving my brother an embrace too. "You've grown taller, huh?"

"Dad, please. I'm 15. I grow an inch every day," Seth replied, laughing. His dimples showed.

"He's just exaggerating, Dad. Did you know that he's trying to grow some muscles?" I said, making fun of him.

"Oh and who among us doesn't take a shower? You only wash your face when you go out of the house," he replied, thinking of something to humiliate me. Well, it didn't work because that wasn't true.

"Shut up."

My dad chuckled. Mom didn't approve. "Okay, stop it. I don't want to see my children fighting when we've just arrived."

I stuck my tongue out at him and laughed.

We went in the house. Martha, one of our maids, helped Cliff carry their luggage inside.

Just as we entered, Mrs. Blake went out of the parlor. Mom was thrilled to see her.

"Mrs. Blake! How nice to see you here," she said, exchanging kisses with her on both cheeks.

"Elena! I'm happy you and Christopher arrived safe," Mrs. Blake replied.

"Yes, thank you."

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