Chapter 29: Clearly Recognizable

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"So..." I approached Mom who was reading a book by the coffee table while sipping on her tea. She looked up at me. "Yes, darling?"

     "I'm going out," I told her.

     She chuckled. "Using your freedom so soon?"

     "What do you expect me to do here? There are better things than having to stick your face in front of the TV. I don't want to damage my brain cells. I'm too young for that," I kidded.

     She acknowledged the joke with a polite smile then asked, "Where are you headed to?"

     "Over at Greyson's," I swiftly said before giving her a kiss on the cheek and reaching for the door.

     "Be back before dinner, alright?" she called.

     "I got it."

      "Hold up, where's your brother?"

    "I don't know, probably hanging around the lobby, looking for scenes to draw," I replied casually. "I saw him leave earlier carrying his sketchbook and a pretty inspired expression."

     "Okay, so now that leaves me alone in the room?" Mom asked incredulously.

     "Sorry." I laughed apologetically. "Be back later." This time, I swung the door open and left her.


There he is. I stopped and stared at the back of his head before making my way over at his table. He was waiting for me with only a glass of water to keep him company. He was nodding his head in time to the beat of Seven Lions' Strangers, which was playing inside the café. I found it odd, because coffee shops usually played chill and peaceful songs. The upbeat music seemed so out of place.

     I drew in a breath and advanced towards him. "I'm here!" I announced, grabbing his shoulders from behind on the process.

     He whirled around and his eyes met my laughing ones. A smile that stretched across his face sent my heart off in flutters. I've never seen him smile so wide. Was it because of me? I wasn't sure, but a feeling in the pit of my stomach told me that there was a possibility. I wanted to believe that.

     "I thought I'd never see you again," he said as I released him and took the seat in front of him. "Don't be ridiculous. They can't keep me locked up in there forever. Even if they never allowed me to leave, I'd still find my way out," I replied.

     His eyebrows furrowed, creating a good impression of confused. "I'm not sure I am following. What happened to you?"

     Right. I hadn't told him the entire turn-of-events yet. I decided to fill him in. But before that, he interrupted me by asking permission to head over at the counter and to place our orders of two parfaits, which I incredibly loved. I tried to pretend that I didn't care too much about him, but his gentle gestures kept on distracting me. I watched as he slowly got up from his seat, his eyes never leaving their place on what seemed like my entire being. Then I counted his steps towards the counter. One, two, three, slow. I studied him from head to toe.

     I liked the way the tips of his hair touched his nape, brushing the white skin just slightly enough to tickle. I liked the way the bones of his back would touch his shirt and protrude slightly onto the soft blue fabric. I liked how his elbows were one shade darker than the rest of his arms, but never appearing dirty. I liked how he stood, like he was proud of how tall he was, but I noticed the small slouching as well. I didn't mind, though. I was too busy observing him that I failed to remember that I was looking at him for way too long now, so when he suddenly turned around and saw me staring at him, lost in my fantasies, it caught me off guard.

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