Chapter Two

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Sitting in silence, y/n jumped slightly at the coldness of the cream "sorry, I didn't mean to-" she shook her head cutting him off "you didn't do anything, it's just cold is all" she said reassuring him. He then gently began to put the cream over my shoulder and arm, which surprised her. I mean for a guy with a metal arm and also being a Super Soldier, he was gentle.

"If you don't mind me asking, how did you get your powers?" he asked quietly "it''s a bit...complicated. Before I was born, my Dad had took off said he couldn't stay. He was dangerous. When I was 8 my mom died, she was trapped inside our apartment when the building was caught on fire. I was at school when it happened. I didn't know what to do, and I didn't want to go to an Orphanage because I knew if someone knew that I was different from them, I'd never get a home. So, I ran away. Lived on the streets, got with the wrong people, started stealing, pickpocketing, shoplifting. It was wrong but we got clothes and food.

One day, a man saw us in the alleyway and offered to take us somewhere where we would be safe, give us a home. Being so young and naive, we did. Bad choice obviously. My friends were killed while I was left to become their new 'test subject.' They tried all kinds of experiments on me. The main guy there, had created a machine that could transfer its energy into other things. They can me this, serum over the years saying it would stop me dying from it. Every time I was attached to the machine, they sedated me so I couldn't resist against it, but I still felt the pain. Over the years it became a routine. Years passed and Steve being the hero, saved me from it all, he sort of became my dad. Always looking after me, taking care of me. I guess that's why he worries so much about it."

Bucky hadn't said a word as y/n explained everything. "What...what do you mean by different?" he asked setting the cream down and as y/n pulled her top down "growing up, I learnt that I was stronger, faster, had quicker reflexes compared to other kids. My mom took me to a specialist to do blood tests, to see if there was something in my blood that changed me. All I knew was there was radiation in my blood, though I don't know how. When I was taken they somehow managed to stop the radiation getting worse or spread. It's still inside me, but it's not lethal" Bucky didn't know what to say, too shocked to say.

"I know, it's a sob story, but hey, it's in the past. I got ace electrical powers which I've used to help people and save the world, along with my strength meaning I can take your ass down once I'm healed" y/n smirked standing up "oh, I'd like to see you try" Bucky said in a cocky tone. Y/n held up her hand as blue sparks danced around her fingers when she tapped Bucky's metal arm making it suddenly fall off. Bucky's jaw dropped when I saw his arm on the floor "" y/n could only laugh at his confusion "and that's with a bad arm" she said crossing her arms "c'mon, it's nearly dinner time, and it's Clint turn to cook" she smiled walking past him "yeah, you go, I'll catch up. Need a shower anyways." Y/n gave another smile before leaving, while Bucky reconnected his arm rolling his shoulder.

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