Chapter Three

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Y/n walked into the main room where everyone else was. Clint was in the kitchen part cooking up food, while the others were sat at the sofas. "Hey Sparky, how's the arm?" Tony asked only to receive as groan as she sat down next to Sam "Stark how many times have I told you to stop calling me 'Sparky'? It's stupid" she said crossing her arms "what? You have Electrokinesis, Electrical powers. It only make sense for your nickname" Tony said grabbing himself a drink "Stark, do you know what happens when water is mixed with electricity?" y/n asked looking over at him, smirking at his fear "right. Maybe a different nickname then" he said as everyone laughed. "How is your arm actually?" Bruce asked walking over to y/n "it's okay, the cream has really worked" y/n said as Bruce inspected it "yeah, it's healing faster than I thought."

Just then Bucky walked in, his hair still damp from his recent shower. Y/n looked up at him and gave him a smile, in which she received one back "someone seems happy, got a hot date?" Natasha asked playfully nudging her "oh yeah, I forget to mention that" y/n said turning to her, catching Wanda's attention. "Wait, do you really have a date?" Wanda asked excited "yeah, his name is no I don't. He's really nice" y/n said smiling at Wanda's expression. Bucky walked over, sat next to Steve, handing him a beer "and where's ours?" y/n asked playfully "why would you want one? it's not like you could handle it" Bucky said shocking everyone in fact, well everyone apart from y/n who just smirked. He's usually always quiet, kept to himself. Steve was glad he was finally opening up, but he didn't think he would say something like that "I can handle anything, Barnes" y/n said proudly "I bet you could" he mumbled.

Steve looked over at his friend, then at y/n. What happened in the five minutes he asked Bucky to check on y/n? Clint soon dished up handing everyone a plateful of food. "So, who's up for some games?" Tony randomly asked as they ate "like that?" Steve asked with a raised eyebrow "truth or dare. Extreme style" Tony smirked, which actually got y/n concerned "I'm down" Clint said putting his plate down "same here, if it's extreme style it'll be interesting to see who really as the balls" Sam stated looking at the others. "Us girls don't back down for anything" Nat smirked gesturing to her and y/n "damn right." Steve turned to Bucky unsure if he would play "Bucky?" he asked cautiously. Bucky looked at Steve then at the others "I might as well" he shrugged.

"Alright, who wants to go first?"

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