Chapter Six

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As I went to leave, turned back I gave y/n a once last look before quietly closer the door, not wanting to wake her up. When it clicked shut, I let out a breath I didn't even realise I was holding. Turning around I went back to my room "hey Buck, I was just about to get you. Ready for our run?" Steve walked up to me just as I was about to change "yeah, let me get changed first" Steve gave a nod before walking away. Watching him leave, I looked over at y/n's room "what am I doing?"

Once I got changed I met Steve outside and we did our usual route before heading back to the tower "well good news your bandages come off today, though I want you to keep using that cream. It seems to be helping the burns" I heard Bruce say "thank Jebus, I'm setting sick of these things" huffing a laughing we walked in to see Bruce rewrapping y/n's arm "told you I'm not made of glass, Rogers" y/n said her back facing us. This confused me, how did y/n know Steve was here? I looked at Steve frowning "she does that. One of her many traits" Steve said as I nodded still confused "this also means we can spar Barnes, meaning I'll kick your ass" y/n said looking over her shoulder "oh I highly doubt it" I said crossing my arms "oh yeah?"

Once again y/n held up her hand and blue sparks began to form in her hand "alright y/n, you've made your point. I don't want you frying Bucky's arm" Steve said playfully but sternly "you're no fun" she whined making the sparks disappear "and this is why I call you 'Sparky', you create blue sparks" Tony said gesturing y/n as he walked passed. I saw her create her sparks then pointed at Tony. It hit Tony making him jolt "whoa! Hey! What was that for?" he said spinning around glaring at y/n "I told you not to call me 'Sparky'" she said shrugging. "Doesn't mean you have to zap me" he groaned "yeah it does. Besides, it could've been worse" Tony huffed before leaving. Looking over at y/n, she looked up slightly with a grin.

"You really do know how to piss Stark off, don't you?" I said sitting at the bar stool, opposite her "it's one of my traits" chuckling I shook my head "bon appétit" she said placing a full cooked breakfast in front of me "compliments of the Chef, Moi." Y/n smiled gesturing to herself "merci beaucoup" I said as I watched her pick up more plates taking them to the others. As I ate, Steve next to me and grinning "what?" I asked frowning at him "someone's got a crush" he whispered "you sound like a 10-year-old kid right now. And I don't have a 'crush' on y/n" I said quoting 'crush' "then what is it? because I can tell you like her" saying nothing I looked back at my food "why don't you spend some time with her?" Steve suggested "we've already spent time together" I said quietly. "Last night, I couldn't sleep so I went down to the Gym when I saw y/n there. Don't worry she wasn't working herself, she said she had a nightmare. I sat with her, talked to about to take her mind off it. Soon enough she fell asleep, I took her bed and that's when I bumped into you" I said leaving out the part where I kissed her forehead.

"What did you talk about?" he asked as I looked over at y/n seeing her laughing and smiling "I just told her about what it was like back in 1945 and everything that I could remember, some stories from our childhood that I can remember, took her mind off her nightmare" I said hearing Steve sigh, making me looked back at him "y/n's past's...I can't imagine anyone going through what she did" he said shaking his head "yeah, she told me about her past and how she got her powers. We talked when you asked me to check on her the other night" I said seeing Steve's confusion "everything she's been through, I thought HYDRA were bad, but they never experimented on kids. Going through all that pain at an early age, it's unbelievable." Looking over at y/n, she was still laughing and smiling, you wouldn't ever think she'd been through much main.

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