Chapter Five

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"Increasing to 40%...60%...80%...that's 100%!' screams echoed through the halls, screams of pain and torture. "Arggghhh!  Ahhhh!' the machine sparked and lights flashed before it completely shut down. Back up power came on and the figure was left panting, breathing heavy. Sweat covering her body. " Take her to the recovery room, we'll begin tests tomorrow"

"No!" y/n shot up panting, feeling the sweat dripping down her forehead. Breathing heavy, she looked around remembering where she was. Rubbing the sleep out her eyes, y/n reluctantly got herself out of bed changed into her work out clothes. Usually, it's a sports bra and legging but this time it had to be a vest and leggings. Before heading down to the Gym, she grabbed a bottle of water knowing full well I'll need it.

Once there, y/n checked to make sure no-one was here, especially Steve because she knew he'd force me back into bed. Y/n wanted to do some training as she hated sitting still. Putting her earphones in, she played her music walking over to the weights. Hey, with a weak shoulder it loses its strength. Y/n started out with light weights slowly building it up. "Y'know, if Steve caught you, you'd defiantly be grounded" looking up y/n saw Bucky stood in the doorway with his arms crossed "well, I best make sure he doesn't catch me than, hadn't I?" she said continuing lifting the weights "y/n, you shouldn't strain yourself. You'll make your arm worse" Bucky said taking the weights off her "what's up?" he asked kneeling down "I've been in the same place; I know that look." Sighing, y/n kept her eyes down "I just had a nightmare that's all" she said shrugging "tell me about it" he said sitting next to me.

"It was about when I was...when they started using their new invention, how I got my powers. I haven't had a nightmare in a while, I thought I pushed passed it all, then they suddenly came back" Bucky wrapped his arm over y/n's shoulders, pulling her into a hug "I just want them to go away" she whispered feeling all her held back tears pouring out "shhh it's okay. They'll go, I promise you will" he said rubbing her back.

Once y/n finally calmed down, she pulled back keeping her eyes down "aww man, I got your shirt wet" she said trying to dry it "it's okay, would've been soaked from my work out anyways" he shrugged making y/n smile slightly "thanks Bucky, for being here" she said quietly now looking up "you're welcome, Doll" y/n tilted her head slightly "doll?" she asked never hearing him call her that before "force of habit. 1940's man in me talking" he said smiling "what else did they say back then? Because I'm guessing it's a lot different to now"

Bucky nodded "oh yeah, they certainly are. The way people talk these days is...pretty weird" looking up at him with 'offended' expression "excuse me? We are not weird, at least we have better food. You guys used to just boil everything" y/n argued "true, plus food was rationed back then too because of the war" she nodded understanding "must've been tuff living back then, well I guess living anywhere when there's a war going on, it's amazing how people have survived everything that's happened over the years" y/n said resting her head against Bucky's shoulder. "It really is."

The two sat talking, Bucky telling y/n what he remember about his life in 1945, his childhood and what it was like to live back then. After a while, he hear y/n's breathing soften and looked down to see she had fallen asleep. Smiling slightly, he carefully managed to pick y/n up and took to her room without waking her up. He set y/n down in her bed, pulling her quilt up watching as she snuggled into her quilt making him smile again. Hesitantly he lent down and kissed her forehead "sweet dreams Doll" he whispered before leaving.

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