Chapter Sixteen

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Storms had led y/n and his men to his private Jet, where y/n sat in the corner holding one of her many knives, spinning it between her fingers. Storms was sat drink in hand talking to another man called Marcus Hardy. They were working together, though Marcus didn't seem to sure about y/n "are you sure? It's been years since you've last had her under your control" Marcus whispered unsure about y/n "oh I can assure you, she's mine" Marcus looked over at y/n. She was looking out the window when she felt his eyes on her. She looked over at him, glaring at him. She could see the fear in his eyes as he quickly looked away.

"Once we get there, we will take her straight to the base, where you can start the first transaction" Storms started "the simple words were used on the Winter Soldier making him a deadly weapon. I knew when he joined the Avengers they would've wiped them from his mind, though they didn't know them same words were in Electro's mind too" Marcus frowned taking a sip of his drink "I used to work for HYDRA, and they used Electrical plates on the Winter Soldier to wipe his mind. Now because of her powers it will be stronger meaning even if her friends do manage to get her back there is no way that witch will be able to help her get her memories back" Storms smirked pleased with his plan.

Soon enough the Jet landed, Storms and Marcus walked out, y/n close behind. Storms' men were waiting at base, all on edge because they knew what y/n could do "how go the preparations?" Storms' asked one of his men "we're almost there. We've have to increase the power, HYDRA's was strong enough to wipe his mind, but y/n – uh Electro – has electricity in her veins. It may overload but we're positive it will work" Storms gave a single nod, turning back to y/n "it's going to work"

Y/n didn't question anything, only followed orders as they sat her in the chair, strapped her arms down. A metal contraption lay down on her head, clamping down. The small spikes digging into her skin. "And...begin" the helmet clamped down harder, sending electrical shocks through her mind. Y/n clamped her teeth down, holding back her screams but they still came out. Storms stood back, watching with his arms crossed. After a few powerful waves, the clamps were lifted off y/n's head, leaving her panting "Soldat?" Storms started stepping closer "ya gotov otvechat" Storms grinned pleased with the outcome.

Marcus stood shocked and impressed "I have to admit, I didn't think it would work but once again you've proven me wrong" he said as y/n looked through the file "and she's never failed a single mission" Storms said proudly "every single one I assigned her, she completed" Marcus crossed his arms "what weapons does she use, a part from her powers? I'm assuming she's trained in hand-to-hand combat" Storms led Marcus down the hall to another room, filled with weapons "all her weapons" there was handguns, machine guns, sniper-rifles, knives, smoke bombs and small explosives with were stronger than they seemed "and her uniform" Storms gestured to y/n's all back uniform "very impressive"

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