Chapter Twenty-Three

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The two sat quietly talking, Bucky still registering that y/n really was alive. "Hey Bucky, Bruce wanted me ask if he cou-" Steve walked in and stopped dead in his tracks. Bucky and y/n looked over at Steve seeing the shock and disbelief written on his face. His jaw dropped seeing y/n. And alive "well, don't I get a hug?" y/n joked. Steve ran over engulfing her in a tight hug "you're alive!" he cheered laughing "last time I checked" y/n said as he stepped back "but, but, how? We all saw you, you flat lined" Steve said all in one go "okay first of all, breath and second of all, I think it's best if I explain it when everyone is here" y/n suggested to which Steve nodded.

Steve left to grab the others, he didn't say she was alive, only that he wanted to show them involving y/n. They all walked into the room and just froze at the sight of y/n, alive and smiling. They all bombarded her with so many questions along with hugs and tears. "How is this even possible? We saw you die, they used the defibrillator four times, the last time on full charge. You died" Wanda said, asking the same question everyone was thinking "my powers absorbed the electricity from the defibrillator, on the last charge it guess because they used pull power it mixed with powers and well, here I am" y/n explained as best as she could considering she wasn't too sure herself "a-and what about your memories? Have you remember?" Bruce asked from the back. Y/n slowly nodded "when I 'died' they sort of just flooded back. I remember everything" y/n looked down at her hands, playing with the blanket "I remember it all, including Storms talking about who my Dad is" silence. Y/n looked back up at them then Bruce "could...could you guys give us a moment" y/n asked meaning her and Bruce. They all gave a smile before leaving. Bucky hesitated but gave y/n a quick smile.

Bruce sat down in the chair beside the bed "I'm glad you're okay" he said quietly "me too" then came the awkward silence.

"How did you-"

"When did you-"

The two said at the same time, making them chuckle "go on, what was gonna say?" y/n asked "how did you find out? I mean you being..." Bruce hesitated to say it, and he wasn't sure why. "Before I came to the tower to stop Storms' men getting to Bucky, two men were following me down the street. I took care of them when Storms walked out. He asked who is the only one of the Avengers that had been exposed to radiation. The same radiation in my blood. I wasn't sure if he was telling the truth or not, until we were back at the base where he...I didn't know whether to believe him or not but thinking over my past it started making sense" y/n said looking at Bruce, who was looking down at his hands. "When did you figure it out?" y/n asked. Bruce sighed not taking his eyes off his hands "when Steve brought you back to the tower, he had a brought back a veil with a clear liquid. Me and Tony did multiple tests to figure out what it was used for, we did tests with your blood too. We found traces of radiation in your blood. We didn't know how when I remember about DC. I compared your blood with mine and it came back as a DNA match"

Y/n frowned not sure whether she was happy or angry "you've kept it a secret for 6 years?" she asked quietly. Bruce didn't answer only nodded "you've known for 6 years, and didn't think to tell me? Do, do the others know?" she said anger in her voice "they didn't find out until yesterday, when we were searching for you. Look you have to understand, I didn't tell you to protect you. I was scared you become the other guy" y/n looked away calming her breath before looking back at Bruce, holding his hand "I'm not mad, just surprised. It's not everyday you find out your dad is a part of the Avengers" y/n smiled. "I'm sorry for not being there all those years" he whispered looking up at her "hey, it's okay. You did what you thought was best, to protect me, like any father would" Bruce was taken back at how fast y/n seemed to forgive him "your mother would be proud of you" he whispered squeezing her hand "and she'd be proud of you too" Bruce smiled pulling her into a hug "you do know Tony is gonna start calling you mini hulk or something, along with your other nicknames" Bruce said stepping back, sitting back down. "I know, but he also knows that I can send 15,000 volts of electricity through him if he does, isn't that right Tony?" Bruce frowned confused and turned to the door. Tony stood there bright red with his hands up in mock surrender "alright, you got me. I just wanted to make sure you guys were okay, we both know how sensitive you are. You're not the only that cares about Bruce" he said with a smile "right, well, we all know what's gonna happen once you're healed. A huge party" he said like a child. "Not only for your father and daughter reunion, but because you're back and apart of our team again"

Y/n chuckled nodding "alright, thanks Tony" Tony gave one last smile before turning to leave "you're welcome. Heal well" he said by the door "mini hulk!" he yelled laughing.

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