Chapter Twelve

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The next morning y/n was wide awake, ready for her first day of training without restrictions. Changing into a sports bra, work-out leggings and trainers, y/n grabbed her phone and earphones and headed out for a simple jog. Weaving through the crowds she saw the glances she was getting when people saw her arm. Who cares? It's a burn, whoop-di-do. Back tracking her route, y/n came to a café she used to come to before getting hurt. The bell rang as she opened the door and saw a brunette women behind the counter, arranging the cups "I'll have my usual please, Angelica." The girl dropped the plastic cups and spun around "y/n?!" she yelled surprised catching everyone's attention in the café. Being that wasn't many but still. "The one and only, come here" y/n said holding her arms out to hug her "oh my god, it's so good to see you. How you been?" Angelica asked but before y/n could answer Angelica noticed her arm "what happened to your arm? Did you shove it in an oven or something?" she asked worried.

Y/n chuckled at her worry and shook her head "I'm fine. I got hurt during a mission, but it's all healed. That's why I haven't been out, Cap had me on bed rest basically. I felt like I was grounded" Angelica laughed knowing how y/n hated it. She knew about y/n being an Avenger as she came to the Café with Steve one day and obviously everyone recognised him. Y/n came back a few times and her and Angelica became quick friends.

"Anyways how's you been? Been bored without me?" Angelica sighed making y/n's drink "I have actually, haven't been such a great month. Me and Dan broke up. Found him sleeping with someone else" y/n's jaw dropped "oh Angie, I'm sorry. He doesn't know what he's missing out on. Any man would be lucky to have such a gorgeous woman" y/n said rubbing her arm "thanks y/n" Angelica handed y/n's drink over as the two sat down and talked "so what about you? I know you're not one for relationships but there must be someone" y/n smiled slightly looking down at her drink "oh my god, there is. Tell me everything" Angelica said shifting in her chair.

"Alright, alright, I'll tell you" y/n told Angelica about what happened from the truth or dare to last night. "You're. Dating. Bucky. Barnes" Angelica said slowly still trying to register it all. "You're with Steve's best friend?" she asked to which y/n nodded "and when he kissed me, God Angie there was something rushing through me then" y/n said shaking her head "sexual tension" Angelica sang quietly making y/n choke on her drink only for Angelica to laugh "well, from what you've told me it's there, and I'm guessing he's feeling the same" she shrugged as y/n shook her head "you really are something Angie, anyways I gotta get going. I've got training to do. I'll come back again later" y/n said hugging her "I'll hold you to that" Angelica called as y/n left.

Back at the tower y/n went straight to the gym where it was only Steve and Bucky "hung over?" she asked already knowing the answer "hung over" Steve repeated "one of the many benefits of being a super soldier" Bucky said kissing her forehead "you still up for that spar?" y/n nodded grinning "oh yeah." Setting her phone down, the two walked over to the mats "don't hold back, you know I can handle anything" y/n stated, "oh I know." Bucky charged at y/n swinging his arm around, y/n instantly ducked down and kicking him hard in the knee, bringing him down to know knee. Quickly getting back up y/n jumped up onto his back wrapping her legs around chest, locking his arms back. He pulled on her legs flipping her down hard onto the mat, pinning her down "I'll always be the one on top" y/n smirked her hand on his metal arm. Realization hit Bucky when a small volt of electricity shot through his arm "whoa!" he yelled pulling his arm back. Y/n rolled away, quickly got up twisted his arm around flipping him over, face down. She leant down, centimetres away his ear "and I'm always the one in charge"

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