Chapter Twenty-One

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"Arghhh! Ahh!" loud screams echoed through the old halls. Screams of pain. Y/n had been sat in the same 3 times in one day or the past 4 days. Storms knew how strong was and wanted to make she wouldn't, couldn't remember anything or anyone except him and ECHO. Between all that she went through training, fighting the other soldiers, which they hated considering how strong she was. Standing watch, Storms had decided that y/n was finally ready. "Soldat?" panting lightly she looked up "ya gotov otvechat"

Y/n was taken to the recovery room as her body was weak, yet she stood strong. After a few hours, Storms entered her room. She didn't move, just sat on the edge of the bed looking down "Electro" he said sternly. Y/n looked up with her cold, emotionless glare before standing up and walked out towards her weapon room. There was her guns, knives, and ECHO uniform. She got changed, loading all the holsters with guns and knives. Finishing it off y/n slipped on her fingerless gloves.

Once done, she walked out and stood in the doorway, where Storms was waiting for her. "Sir, we have a problem" y/n stood silent as a soldier handed Storms a tablet "they're here." Storms took a deep breath to calm his anger. "We proceed with the plan. Take you men, form a perimeter, make sure they don't find this." Storms turned around and looked at y/n "you know what to do. Finish you mission." Without any response, y/n turned around and walked down the hall, a plan forming.

The Avengers were outside fighting all the soldiers and agents firing at them "these guys really don't know how to fight" Tony said blasting one of the cannons "yeah, but they don't want us to get inside" Clint added firing two arrows at once. Bucky stood next to Steve, firing are every target in sight "Steve, front door" Steve threw his shield knocking three men back "go, we'll cover you" Steve ordered. Bucky looked at him unsure about it, he didn't want to leave them even though they were a powerful team. Steve could see he was about to reject but quickly cut him off "if Storms has turned y/n back into Electro, you're the only one that can stop him and her" Bucky knew it was true but didn't want to believe it "would you just go, we can't hold them forever" Sam argued. Bucky gave Steve a nod before running inside.

He held us gun up, ready for anything. Quietly walking through, he checked every room seeing them empty. Until he came to one room, and it looked very familiar. "He's already wiped her mind. I knew it" he growled "is there any sign of them? Storms or y/n?" Steve asked. Bucky didn't answer as he felt someone staring at him. Turning around, he saw y/n, but not the y/n he knew. "Bucky, did you find them?" Steve asked again "no not yet" Bucky lied "alright, stay sharp" "copy that." Y/n stood with a stoic look, as Bucky took out his earpiece. Blue sparks began to form in y/n's hands and Bucky knew what was about to happen. He fought against Steve, who was trying to help him "please, don't make me do this."

Bucky charged at y/n dodging all her attacks with her power. He got close enough for y/n to swing a punch, he quickly blocked it kicking her in the ribs making her stumble back. "This isn't you y/n, you know me" he said sternly "NO I DON'T!" she yelled punching him hard on the jaw "your name is y/n m/n Banner" he continued holding his jaw "SHUT UP!" she yelled again kicking him hard in the ribs. Bucky panted holding his ribs. He looked up not wanting to fight, but he had to. Getting up he pushed back the pain, blocking y/n's attacks, landing his own. Bucky swung his metal arm hand, hitting her head hard. Y/n went dizzy giving Bucky the chance to grab a hold of her arms, pinning her against the wall. "You know me" he whispered. Not giving y/n to respond he pressed his lips against hers.

Pulling back slowly, he remained silent, looking at y/n's eyes. Her expression changed and slowly did her eyes. "Do you remember me?" he whispered. Y/n didn't answer as a figure behind him caught her attention. Storms help up a gun ready to fire. Just as he pulled the trigger y/n pushed Bucky away sending a blast of electricity straight at Storms. His body shook, falling to his knees. Storms was dead.

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