2. Babies and Children

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It was just six in the morning, 3 years after their wedding, as the alarm clock went off. Sam woke up groaning as he heared the alarm.

"Why do you have to get up this early, babe?" he mumbled against her shoulder as she turned out the alarm. "First off all I have a hotel and second thing your sons will be here in just a few hours. I have to have the hotel ready by 11 a.m. so we have time to get us ready and we can pick up the boys together!" Donna explained shortly as she got out of the bed.

"You already checked everything in the boys room, like everything else in the whole hotel. Everything is set up. I am worrying about you and all that work you did over the past few days for the boys, but all that is not necessary, babe!"

"Let me do this to your boys, please. Since Sophie is away it's the only thing I could do for any of our kids!" She said softly getting up and walking over to the bathroom.

Since 3 weeks after their wedding anniversary Donna wasn't feeling too well at times. Sometimes a headache, sometimes she could eat in a while and sometimes she was totally fine. She wasn't really worried, cause she always reacted to changes in her life.

"Come back to bed baby, please?!" Sam said reaching out for her as she was standing in the door frame of their bedroom not really feeling well.

"I really have to do a few things around here, Sam!"

"You don't feel good, I want you to rest until the boys are arriving here at noon. I also want you to get checked out. Maybe we can get an appointment before we pick up Chris and Dylan!" He softly said to her as she walked back over to the bed not to steady on her feet.

"How do you know I wasn't feeling well?" She asked getting back into bed right next to him.

"I just know you, honey, and you weren't feeling too good in the last few month so I just guessed!" Sam said as he held her close to his side while she snuggled closer to him, laying her head onto his chest.

"I know you are worried but I don't think it's something bad. I think I had that before when...." She trailed of into thoughts.

A few moments she overthought her vision, but always came back to the same thing and time.

"When did you had it before, honey?" Sam asked somehow worried about his wifes health.

"The last time I had things like that, when I ... when I was ... when I was p-pregnant w-with Sophie!" She stuttered a little over a whisper, not wanting to look up into his eyes.

Sam gave her words a moment of thought. But then smiled down at her, not that worried anymore. "Could you be ... I mean is it possible that you are pregnant?" He asked carefully as he pulled up her head, that was resting on his chest, to look into her tear filled eyes.

"I am almost 40 years old. You don't really think that I am pregnant, I mean I am old enough for menopause!" Donna said a little bit confused about her husbands words.

"It's not impossible, I mean there are many women out there who got pregnant and were over 40! I'll take you to the doctors before we get the boys. But I want you to sleep and rest before.  I'll wake you up when we have to go!" He tenderly said an kissed her head while she slowly fell asleep.

In the past 3 years Lorraine never let the her twin sons travel to their father. So Donna and Sam never got the chance to meet them in person. Now Chris and Dylan are 18 years old and could go wherever they want to. Lorraine now couldn't tell the boys what to do anymore, so the boys called a few weeks ago and worked out a plan when they could visit their father. Both boys missing Sam very much, he also missed his two boys. Donna was a nervous wreck since the past few days, because she never met her two stepsons. They had videocalls every once in a while so the boys could see their father and stepmohter. Dylan and Chris loved Donna and Donna loved the boys since the first phone called they had a few days after their wedding. Donna and Sam just were glad that the twins would be here in a few hours.

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