13. A new life

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It was 3 month after Lillian, Annie and Chris came to the island to live with the family Sheridan-Carmichael. The plans for the house for family Hollingsworth are ready since about a month now and the foundation was already done. In about 3 month they can move into their little house on the island.

Chris promised to not stay away too long anymore so he could take care of his daughters. He helped around the hotel and had fun with his sisters, nephew, niece and daughters.

Lillian was helping Rosie in the kitchen and was very happy with that. She also was the fire protection assistant of the hotel. She had a lot of fun with her best friends, Annie, her father and grandparents. Gladly she hardly heard anything from Lorraine. She was so glad to finally have Lorraine out of her life. She also was glad to not have to do everything on her own. Whenever she needed help there was someone who could help her and she could count on everybody. It really took a lot of pressure from her and made her to almost a different human, but just almost. She still was the same but still somewhat different.


"Lily, me hungry!" Annie exclaimed as she came running into the kitchen where her big sister was working on the dishes.

"You're hungry, sweetie?" Lillian asked with a laugh as she looked down at her sister while Annie nodded her head and hummed.

"What do you wanna eat, Annie?" the older sister asked while she picked to little girl up and sat her down on the counter top.

"Fwench Toast!" Annie clapped as she looked up at her sister.

"French Toast?" Lillian laughed at her sister as she stroked Annies hair while she nodded her head eagerly. The older sister gigggled at younger one before she walked over to the fridge to get the things she needs for her sisters food.

"There are my sweet girls!" Chris smiled as he walked into the kitchen.

"Daddy!" Annie squealed as she saw her father entering the room. Lillian was so glad that she was fine and happy today.

"There's my Annie!" Chris smiled as he picked the little girl up and kissed her head.

Lillian leaned against the kitchen counter smiling tearfully at the scene in front of her. She wipped away her tears and turned around to get her sisters food ready, trying to push her thoughts away once and for all. She knew she had to voice her thoughts at some point but not right now.

"What are you two doing here? I thought you wanted to spent time with your cousins?" Chris asked looking from Annie to Lillian.

"I hungry, Daddy. Lily make me food!" Annie smiled brightly while looking proudly at her sister.

"That's a reason." Chris chuckled at Annie before looking to Lillian again.

"I just needed to clear my head a little. The cake will be done in about 30 minutes. I'm gonna make some French Toast dor Annie, want some too Dad?" Lillian asked avoiding Chris's eyes.

"No I'm good thanks, honey!" Chris smiled as he held Annie close to him.

"Why did you came in here then anyway? I thought you were going up to the house to look over the progress they were making?" Lillian asked rather confused as she shortly looked at her father over her shoulder.

"Yeah, I wanted to do that. Actually I did, but then I could a creepy-like feeling and just needed to check on my girls!" the father gently smiled trying to keep the mood light for his daughters.

"You know that I can protect me and Annie quiet good on my own. Annie is safe with me just as much as she is with you. Nobody is ever going to take any of us away. No need to freak out!" Lillian sighed getting frustrated by the second.

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