4. He or She?

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2 month had passed since Donna and Sam found out that they will have a baby together.

Both of them were very excited to meet the baby. Donna is now 5 month along and is slowly showing a baby bump.

Sophie and Sky are on holidays in Canada and currently not in the hotel. Donna hoped she would have her little girl there tomorrow night on their gender reveal  party.

"What do you mean you won't make it till tomorrow? Rosie, Tanya and your brothers are already here. They wanna see you and so do your father and I!" Donna said kinda hurt after her daughter just told her over the phone that they won't make it till the party tomorrow night.

"I know mom but they canceled all the flights to Europe the next 2 or 3 days. I can't do anything about, mom. You don't know how bad I wanna be there with you, dad, my Auntie's and my little brothers!"

"I know it's not your fault. Still it hurts a little to not have you here when we find our your siblings gender. I always dreamed about having you there when I am going to do such a thing ever again in my life!" Donna cocked as she leaned back against her chair and looked over the ocean. She had a great few over the ocean from where she was sitting, on their balcony of their bedroom.

"I know mom. I am so sorry we won't make it. I'll try to make it up to you. I promise I'll be home as soon as I can!" Sophie promised with a smirk on her face.

"I sure as hell hope you'll be here soon. I really miss my baby girl!" Donna sniffed as she tried to think positiv. "I gotta go mom. I'll call you as soon as I have new informations. I love you!" "Love you too, baby!" Donna could say before her daughter hung up on her.

With a sighed she leaned back against the chair while she heard familiar voices from the courtyard. "I told you it was a bad idea, Dylan!" "Thank you, Chris, but it won't be getting better if you keep telling me that!" Dylan scoffed holding his bleeding arm.

"Excause me, I just wanted to keep you from getting hurt. If I am just annoying you then I better leave you alone!" Chris said kinda hurt before he walked away as Dylan sighed and walked over to the table where Donna was sitting.

As soon as Donna saw Dylan walking over with a bleeding arm she got up as fast as she could with her growing belly and got closer to her son. "What happened, sweetheart?!" she exclaimed as she got a closer look on the cut on Dylans arm.

"We wanted to go down to the beach and I thought that I could cut the way by going over the instead of using the stairs. Chris warned me, that it won't be a good idea, but stubbrun as I am I did it anyway. I knew he was probably right but sometimes I am just doing what I want not caring about what's going to happen to me or others!" Dylan explained with a sighed as Donna got the first aid kid from the bar.

"Just like your father. You both have so much from him. Chris the protective and caring side, while you got the rebel and wild side!" Donna tenderly smiled at Dylan while she pulled the bandage around the injuried hand.

"I know!" the young boy sighed. "Sometimes I don't know what's wrong with me. I totally barked at him, just because he wanted to protect me from getting hurt like always!"

"I know, honey, but thats nothing you have to worry about. Just talk to him and explain it to him. Believe me, he will forgive you, he is your twin!" Donna smiled at Dylan as she finished the bandaging his hand.

"Thank you so much, Mom!" he smiled before walking up to his brothers room

Gladly the rest of the day went by pretty smoothly. Donna spent a nice evening with her best friends while Sam spent the time with his sons.


The next morning came sooner that expacted for Donna. She felt like as soon as she got into bed she had to get up again. She was the first one to get up, since she wanted to prepare everything for this afternoon. Also she was pretty excited to finally know what sex their child will be.

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