18. Questions II

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Lillian stirred awake as someone was kissing her face and somebody else was giggling beside her. It took her a while to be fully awake and she could open her eyes, to see her mother playing with her sister. Her heart was warming at the sight of Annie trusting someone, she barely knew. She also was glad to have her mother back.

"Well, good morning there Bambi!" Anna smiled tenderly as she saw that her oldest daughter was awake and watching her and her youngest daughter closely.

"This really is a good morning!" Lillian smiled tenderly as she sat up.

"My sissy happy. Today my sissy no sad. No mean gramma. Me happy!" Annie blabbered as she crawled on her sister's lap, facing her mother.

The young girls words were worrying Anna. What did Annie mean with mean gramma? And that her sister wasn't sad this morning?

"Lily, baby, can I ask you something?" Anna asked worriedly as she sat next to her daughter.

"Yeah sure. What is it? Is something wrong? Are we in trouble?" Lillian asked looking at her mother while Annie snuggled up to her sister.

"No, everything is okay. Well at least I hope it is. What did Annie mean with you not beeing sad anymore and mean gramma? Who was mean to you? Have you or Annie been hurt?" the mother asked worriedly looking straight at her daughters.

"Mean gramma hurt my sissy. My sissy strong, best sissy. I love my sissy, always protect me. Sam help us and no more mean Lorraine anymore. No hurt my sissy!" Annie whimpered as she held onto her sister and looking up at her mother with big blue eyes.

"Lorraine hurt you? Lily please, tell me what happened!" Anna begged with tears in her eyes.

"Yeah, I'll tell you. Where is dad? I want him here for that!" Lillian said hesitatingly as she was looking around herself searching for her father.

"He is getting us breakfast. We can wait on him, but I want you to tell me everything!"


A few minutes later Chris came back into the room with a big breakfast tray in his hands.

"Here is breakfast for my girls!" he smiled walking over to the bed and setting the tray down looking at mother and daughters.

"Something wrong?" he asked looking from Lillian to Anna.

"I need you to finally tell me what happened to our daughter these past years!" Anna chocked looking at her husband with teary eyes.

"Of course we'll tell you what happened!" Chris smiled at his wife before kissing her head lovingly.

"Then start telling me please?!" Anna begged getting more impatient by the second as she looked from father to daughter.

"Here Annie, you can eat that!" Lillian gently said as she gave her sister a bowl with berries before she turned her attention back to her parents.

Anna's heart was swelling with love as she watched how Lillian was taking care of her little sister.

"After you died, or didn't die, Dad started working more and more over the time; leaving the two of us with Lorraine. We all know that at that time she already had a drinking problem. And that didn't get better as she was taking care of us. She got aggressive and got also addicted to gambling. All the money you saved for college she just wasted on alcohol, gambling stuff and whatever else. So by the time I was in my final year of school we didn't had money to have food on the table. As I realised that I had to do something to get us food on the table. I got a job here in the kitchen. Lorraine wasn't any help, most of the time she was drunk or not even there. When she was at the flat she mostly was drunk. At some point she started hitting me, she also tried to hit Annie, but I could let her do that. Nobody is hurting my Annie. About two month ago I was walking along the beach with Annie on my lunch break. I had her with me, because I couldn't get a sitter for her. Lorraine came up to us and I told Annie to go back to the hotel and just to be safe; far away from that women. Sam gladly found Annie and she told him I needed help. My sissy showed grandpa were I was and he stopped Lorraine from hurting me again. That day we found out that my two best friends Hallie and Emma are my cousin and aunt. Dad's father, Sam, is Hallie's Dad and Emma's grandpa. Then we decided to start new here and build a house near the hotel so we could be close to the family. Sam and I made the blueprints for the house and the house is already in the making!" Lillian explained everything that had happened as short as possible.

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