11. A normal life for a normal girl

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Three weeks had passed, since Chris and Lillian talked things out. Now they are already living on the island, currently in the hotel. But just until their house, Lillian and Sam were planning, is ready.

Lillian was happier then she probably ever was; she had her father back, she never ever had to see Lorraine again, she was working things out with her father and was bonding with the rest of the family.

Everybody was really happy about Lillian turning out to be Chris' daughter, everybody loves Lillian. Her now happy and confident mood made everyone join in.

While Lillian and Sam were making blue prints for the house, Lillian were also organizing Rosie and Bill's wedding. The young girl just loves to do things for her family. She still got enough time for her sister and to learn for her up coming firefighter exam.

Chirs was worried Lillian wasn't getting enought sleep and time to herself and her friends, well aunt and cousin. But she always said that there was always enough time for her "family friends". She wasn't worried about doing too much, she just worried that all that wasn't enough.

The doubts Lorraine placed in her head were still with her, even if Donna, Rosie, Sophie, Hallie, Emma and Chris himself told her that all that was bullshit. The scars Lorraine left on Lillians soul would heal eventally, but they'll always be there; forever.

Sure her doubts and fears got better over the past few weeks, but weren't anywhere near the normal things. Much to Chris' dislike. He hates the fact that his mother hurt his oldest baby girl so baldy, that she would always flinch if something dropped beside her; that she was always jumpy and got scared much easier then other girls her age. Chris hated himself for putting his children through that hell, the hell his father gladly saved him from all these years ago.

Sam had a very good realationship with his granddaughter and often could talk to her more easly then his son. Chris sure promised a lot of things but his daughter was doubting those promises. Sam could talk to her about that and he could help them to get where he wants and needs them to be; on the right track.

It was sometimes hard for Lillian to let her father take care of her sister, but she also knew she had to let him in so they all could heal and be a normal big crazy family, just like she always dreamed off.

Sometimes she was sad that her mother wasn't there with her, but as soon as she felt sad or down, there was Donna, Rosie or one of the girls to cheer her up, to talk to her or to make her laugh. She was glad that she now had a family and could live a halfway normal life. All the wounds had to heal, that's for sure but they will slowly; day by day.


Lillian once again walked through the hotel with headphones in her ears, after she came back from the mainland. Today wasn't one of her best days. It was her mothers birthday; a incredably hard day for her. Still she went to the mainland to do her last firefighter exam.

On one hand she was very happy about finishing her exam, but on the other hand she was really down since she came always to the same feeling that was resting in her body all day long. She felt sad that her mother couldn't see her right now, that she couldn't see what she was able to do all by herself. She never saw how strong Lillian was, but the the saddest thing was that Annie never had met her mother. Lillian missed her mother now more then ever. Ever since Anna passed, Lillian promised herself to do the things her mother would want her do to. Even if it was hard to get, she would fight for it. That is exactly what she did in the past five and a half years almost constantly.

With some tears running down her cheeks Lillian walked up the stairs to her current room in the hotel. She just wanted to be alone at the moment. It was hard for her to face people when she was an emotional vrack or not sure what exactly she was feeling. She always managed in the past years, but never wanted to do it again if that was possible.

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