21. Time for the Dynamos

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The following evening the three best friends were sitting together over some drinks. For Tanya, of course, they were without alcohol, much to her dismay.

"So tell me Tanya, how is pregnant life?" Rosie chuckled as she looked over to her friend.

"Please, can we talk about something else then my pregnancy?" Tanya asked already getting annoyied from the question.

Rosie laughed at her friend, normally Tanya was the one handling changes the best. But today it really didn't seem like that.

"How far along are you, Tan?" Donn asked as she came back with some snacks.

"I'm 10 weeks along. I found out about this whole thing about two weeks ago!" Tanya sighed, knowing her friends wouldn't stop bothering her until they knew every detail. But Tanya loved them for that.

"And Harry Headbanger really is the father of your child?" Rosie asked taking a sip from her drink.

"Yeah, there is no other guy who could be a possible father. I'm not like Mrs. Sheridan-Carmichael who had three possible fathers for her daughter!" Tanya smirked over at Donna who just rolled her eyes.

"Does Harry know about this?" Donna asked instead of getting annoyied from her friend. Tanya just shook her head; no.

"Why didn't you tell him when he was here a few days ago?" Rosie asked with her very british accent.

"I couldn't just go up to Harry and tell him that I am prengnant with his child. I mean he wouldn't just believe me, would he?" the pregnant lady sighed leaning back.

"You don't know that until you talked to him properly! You don't need to tell him in a hurry or just blur it out. Tell him over dinner or so!" Donna said tenderly

"You are the one to give advice Sheridan. Again your daughter had three possible fathers until she took a DNA test and didn't even tell you until she got the results. Besides, I don't even know if i want to keep the baby!" Tanya sighed finally speaking out what was running around her mind ever since she found out she was pregnant.

"What do you mean?" Rosie asked looking at her friend in disbelieve.

"Excuse me, what did you just say?" Donna almost shrieked as she heard the words coming from Tanya.

"I don't know if I want to keep the baby. I'm not a very caring or loving person to a child. Sure I am not a monster and fine with your kids and grandkids, Donna, but still I'm not a mother. Donna just is the mother through and through and Rosie is the born godmother, but I'm nothing of that!" Tanya sighed explaing how she felt.

"Of course you are!" "Yeah, you are the best godmother for Hallie. Emma and Hallie love you, so does Lily!" Rosie and Donna tried to assure their friend.

"Maybe yeah, but would I be a good mother? I mean I never had to take care of a child and I'm like old!" Tanya sighed loudly taking a sip of her water.

"It may be better if you would talk to Harry before you make a decision!" Donna shrugged as she looked lovingly up to Tanya.

"And to talk things through. I mean he has to know!" Rosie continued what Donna was thinking.

"Yeah, that might be better I guess!" Tanya sighed as she stood up and walked to the balcony.

For a while the Dynamos fell silent, nobody knew what to say of do at this very moment.


The next day Tanya came back for the mainland. She wanted to talk to Harry about the pregnancy and everything. After getting off of the ferry she slowly walked up to the hotel, enjoying the fiew and the sound of the waves crushing against the clifs. When she finally was all the way up at the hotel she directly walked to the terrace where she met her two best friends who were already waiting for her.

"Hi girls. What's up?" Tanya smiled at her friends as she sat down.

"How did it go?" "What did Harry said?" the friends impatiently asked their friend.

"It went okay, I guess. At first he wasn't too found of it. But after we talked about it a little he was probably happier than I probably ever will be about it!" Tanya explained with a sigh.

"So he didn't change your mind about your baby?" "Do you really don't wanna have the baby?" Rosie and Tanya asked their friend.

"I don't know. One one hand I don't wanna kill the baby, because Harry is so excited about it, but on the other hand I don't think that I'm ready!" Tanya sighed.

"Do you think I was ready when I was pregnant with Sophie?" Donna asked her friend. "I wasn't ready at all, but I had some good friends to help me through. And now look at the family I have. You can have that too, Tanya!" Donna said making her friend think for a moment.

"Donna is right Tanya. Donna felt almost the same when she found out she was pregnat and we got her through. And now we'll get you through. We'll rock this like always!" Rosie smiled tenderly looking at her friends with a loving look.


A/N: Shorter chapter this time. Just one more to go until we're finished.

-Love Vivi

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