5. Welcome little one!

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As the time was flying by they coudln't really believe that Donna was already 9 month pregnant with her due date just 13 days away.

Sam and Donna were cuddled up to each other, Sam was holding his wife close to his side while stroking over her baby belly. It got pretty hard to find a positon for her to be comfortable with.

"We still haven't decided for a name yet and we just have 13 days left, if we have that much time. I mean Sophie came a week early too!" Donna sighed as she was looking up at her husband. "I know honey.  But this little girl will stay in there as long as she needs to!"

"Yeah, hopefully. So let's talk about the name. You still with Magaret or Eleanor?" Donna laughed about her husbands tast of names. "Yeah, I think so. You still with Hallie or Linnea?" he laughed looking down at his wife.

"What about we mix our two favourite names, so we have a name we both are fine with?" she offered  movina away a bit to look up into his eyes. "Yeah, I think I like that idea. With which name are you going, baby?"

Donna just layied there thinking for a minute, while her husband stroked the side of her baby belly. Just as they fell silent the baby started to kick up a strom, getting her parents attention. "Sure she is awake now!" she giggled turning on her back, making room for Sam to lay his head on her belly.

"Hey there, little girl this is your daddy talking. Now since you're awake, little lady, what do you think about giving us a hin with your name, huh?" Sam asked in a funny voice, bringing tears to Donnas eyes while she was stroking his hair.

As the baby kicked against Sams hand, they both shared a look. "What about Margret-Linnea, my little pumpkin?" he asked but got now kick, no movement absolutely no response from the baby girl inside his wifes belly.

"I don't think she liked it. Move on, baby!" she giggled as she looked down to Sam. "Yeah I think so to. What about Hallie-Eleanor, missy?" he once again asked her belly. This time the little girl started to kick around her mothers belly, making her parents laugh.

"I think she likes that name!" "I think so too!" the laughed as Sam layied back up to her, taking her back into his arms. "So Hallie-Eleanor it is!" she smiled kissing his neck. "Yeah, Hellie-Elianor it is!"

"Can we go to sleep, I'm really tiered!" Donna yawed as she raised the blanket around her body, cuddling against her husbands body even more. "Sure, honey. Get some sleep, you two!" he smiled kissing her one last time before she fell asleep pretty soon afterwords.


A few days had passed since they decided for a name for there baby girl. Time passed quickly especially since she was pregnant and so excieted to meet their baby. She also was pretty excieted for the time after the baby was born, when the whole family and the dynamos were coming to the hotel to meet the newest member of the family.

Donna was in her office, once again working instead of resting, what Sam absolutely wasn't fine with. "Donna, baby, you just have 4 days left till your due date. You have to take it easy; like you should do since weeks, month!" Sam sighed as he once again tried to make his wife rest.

"I know that, but these things need to be done. And again I was working until the last day of my pregnancy with Sophie!" Donna sighed letting herself fall onto her chair, taking a deep breath.

"Yeah, I know but you were alone back then. Now you aren't alone, I'm here now and I won't ever leave. Sophie is here too to help you. You don't have to do things alone anymore. Please let us help!"

"Okay, fine. What do you want me to do?" she sighed looking up at her husband. "Nothing, absolutely, nothing. You are supposed to be resting since 8 weeks. Let me bring you to our room so you can rest and sleep!" Sam smiled reaching out his hand for her to take it so he could pull her up.

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