6. My, my time flies!

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Time was literally flying on the island. 17 years had passed in wich a lot of things happened.

Since 6 years Rosie is the cook in the hotel Villa Donna. She is engaged to Bill since a year or so and they want to marry theend of summer or in autumn.

Bill and Rosie have a little house on the island not far away from the hotel, close enough for Rosie to walk to work. Bill could sit in the hotel or somewhere at their house to write his books. Sometimes he is away for a few days, sometimes a few weeks to get inspirations for a book or to do some resurch.

Sophie and Donna are managing the hotel together. Some times they are struggling to get on the same opinion, but they always get along in some ways.
Sophie still isn't married to Sky, but they have two children; Emma who's 16 and Liam who's 7.

Sam has now an office on the island near the hotel so he could be close to his family and spent as much time as even possible with Donna, Hallie, Sophie, Sky, Emma and Liam.

Hallie was now 17 years old and is in high school. She wants to be a teacher in elementary school.

She, her little cousin Emma and their friend Lillian, and classmate, are best friends; just like the dynamos are. Emma wants to study music or art, she is the creative one while Hallie is the smart one and Lillian is the one always supporting and caring one.

Lillian is working in the kitchen and is one of the best helpers int their, like Rosie always says. She is always there when Rosie needs her in the kitchen, always helping, takes care of things nobody thinks about, looking out for everybody and everything.

Tanja is still single, she got some dates but nothing seems to fit her standards; so she stayed single. Since Rosie was also living on the island, she is visiting Kalokairi even more often.

Chris and his wife, Anna, were still living in Austria but stopped visiting a few years ago. Well they never visited often in the years before. They lost contact throughout the years, that made tha whole family sad espescally Donna, Sam, Dylan and Sophie.

Dylan on the other hand was visiting his family more often, he is flying over on Christmas and one other time in the year just to visit his family.


"You really think she is okay? I mean she absolutely wasn't acting like herself today!" Emma sighed looking over at her older cousin; Hallie.

"Don't worry, Em. She is the strong one, she wouldn't let us know if she would be on her limit; what we both know she is since a long time. Lillian would never ask for our help, you know her. We both know what's going on in her life, as long as we support her she'll get through this in some way!" Hallie explained to Emma as they walked back up to the hotel after they met their best friend on the mainland.

Both of them knew about Lillians story, but couldn't do anything to help her because Lillian insisted on keeping it a secret.

"I know!" Emma sighed as they got into the restaurant. "But we have to do something. I mean she's going to break and that soon in my opinion!"

"Yeah, I think so to but you know we can't do anything. We promised her, remember?"

"Yeah, I'm not dumb Hal. I'm just worried!"

"What are you worried about, honey?" Sophie asked walking up to them. "About Lily, she wasn't really herself today!" Emma sighed looking up at her mother. "What about you Hal? What do you think?" the woman asked her little sister.

"Same. I think she is probably getting sick or something like that!" Hallie answered with a sighed. "Oh know and we have this big dinner tomorrow night. I'll talk to Rosie!"

"No let me talk to Rosie!" Donna smiled walking up to her two daughters and granddaughter. "Hey mom!" "Hii mommy!" Hallie greated her mother after her older sister.

"Oh my sweet baby girl!" Donna said surprised of her youngest daughters greating while Emma and Sophie left mother and daughter alone.

"What? What did I do?" Hallie asked getting worried about her mother as she saw the tears on Donnas cheek.

"Nothing, Hallie, nothing. It's just the last time you called me 'mommy' was years ago and it always made me realise that you all grew up so fast. The time was just slipping through my fingers!" Donna said as tears were rolling down her cheeks while she let herself on the chair next to her daughter.

"You know that you will never lose Sophie, Emma, dad or me. We'll always be here for you. I will always live here and teach on the mainland somewhere. Em will study too on the mainland and will be here to afterwards!"

"Sure she knows that, Elea, but you know your mommy!" Sam smiled at his wife and daughter.

"An emotional mess as always!" Donna laughed as she wiped away her tears. "I am sorry, that I made a scene!"

"Hey don't apologise, baby. It's okay, we know you when it comes to the kids!" Sam smiled placing an arm around his wifes waist, pulling her close to his side.

"Yeah, I just really missed you today that's why I called you mommy. And because you are my mommy and always will be!" Hallie smiled as she fit up and walked over to her parents.

Sam opened his arms for his daughter while Donna got comfortable in his embrace, laying her head against his chest and too opened an arm for her daughter.

With a soft smile on her lips Hallie got into her parents arms. Just the feeling of her parents holding her close to them, made her heart break for her best friend who lost all the beeing loved and comfort around her family.

"Everything okay, sweetie girl?" Sam asked Hallie as he noticed that some tears appeared the teenagers eyes.

"I am just a little sad today and I don't know why!" Hallie lied wipping her tears while looking up at her father.

"It's totally normal to feel sad at some days and don't know why. It happens to me at times too, but then there are always your dad, your sister, your cousin and you who make me feel better. I always feel love, saved and comfortable around and with you!" Donna explained softly to her daughter stroking her hair.

"You make me so loved, save and comfortable; but my heart is just breaking for those who don't feel like that whit their families. I can't even imagen how it must feel, I don't want to ever feel like that!" Hallie explained to her parents with tear filled eyes.

"I totally understand you. But what brought this up, honey?" Sam gently asked, still holding his wife and daughter close to him.

"A girl from school her parents, well family, aren't really threatening her like she deserves to be threatened. She is such a loving, caring and loving person; she is just a wonderful person!"

"Who is this girl honey?" Donna asked as something in her rang.

"You don't know her. How about a relaxing family night?" Hallie smiled up at her parents with big puppy eyes that neither Sam nor Donna could resist.


A/N: And here's another chapter. 😊

I hope you like it. If you have any idea's or offers about the next chapters, just write it in the comments.

Sorry if there are any spelling mistakes.

-Love Vivi 💕

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