3. Bonding

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It took the four a while until they got up to the hotel Villa Donna on the hill of Kalokari. With a soft smile on her lips Donna leading the three men into the courtyard.

"Well thats our Villa Donna. I know it's nothing special, but it's my happy place!" Donna softly smiled and stretched her arms out.

"She is just playing this dwon. As you can see it is a little paradise were we are living here!" Sam smiled as he sat down his sons suitcases while he looked proudly over to Donna.

"It is so unbelievable beautiful here!" Chris smiled as he looked at the building before turning to his brother. "And that few is absolutely gorgeous!" Dylan gushed as he looked at the few in front of him.

"Look, you can see so much from here!" "That few is really breathtaking!" the boys gushed before they turned around facing Donna and Sam "Its wonderful, mom!" Chris and Dylan said with a big smile on their face, as they could finally say the word mom, to the person who were a better mother for them then Lorraine ever was and ever will be.

Just to hear the boys calling her mom brought twars to her eyes, she just stood there not knowing what to do. "Thank you!" she managed to whisper as she started to cry.

"Did we do something to upset you?" Chris asked worriedly while he and Dylan walked closer to Donna. She just shook her head and wiped her tears while she took some deep breath. "We just overwhelmed her a little I think!" Sam laughed laying an arm around Donna.

"Thank you for calling me mom!" she chocked kissing the twins cheeks before wipping the last set of tears from her face.

"AHHHHH- ... MY BROTHERS!" Donna heard a familar voice scream as she turned around she saw her daughter running towards them. "Calm down Soph, they won't go anywhere!" Donna laughed as she got a hold of her daughters waist, pulling her close to her.

"Let me go, mommy. I finally want to meet my baby brothers!" Sophie squealed  as she finally got out of her mothers arms and running into her brothers arms. Chris and Dylan took Sophie into their arms while Sam held Donna close to his side kissing her head.

"Its so nice to finally meet you, sissy!" the boys laughed with tears in their eyes before they pulled away. "My, my you just look like Dad just with ocean green eyes. You are so god damn handsome!" Sophie smiled up at her brothers while admiring them. "You don't look to bad either!" "Yeah you just look like Mom but with Dad's eyes!" The boys said after one other, making their oder sister blushing.

"Charmer and sweet talker just like their father!" Donna giggled as she looked up at Sam who was shaking his head on her.

"Come with me boys, I'll show you around and to your rooms so Mom and Dad can rest a little!"  Sophie said while taking her brother's hands pulling them with her.

"I don't need to rest, I'm fine. I wanna spent time with my kids until your crazy aunts are making their way to my hotel!" Donna called after the kids while Sophie just rolled her eyes with a low giggle.

"By the way I really need to stock up on some drinks so Tanya isn't drinking my bar dry!" Donna mumbled as she turned around to walk to her office but was soon stopped by Sam.

"We'll order drinks later, babe. I need you to rest before those two crazy best friends of yours come up to the hotel!" Sam said seriously and pretty concerned.

With a sighed she gave up and let him carry her to the bedroom.


A whole later the kids where sitting on the bar lounge and were talking as Donna and Sam came down from their room.

"I really love to see them together laughing and everything!" Donna said with tears streaming down her face.

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