20. Family night

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After Chris and Anna made sure their daughter where okay, both of them were more than ready to spend time with their family. Since they had the little talk with Chris' parents Anna was really feeling better and more comfortable around her in-laws. The only people she hadn't really met were Hallie, Emma, Sophie's family and Dylan. But at least she knew who Emma, Hallie and Sophie were.

"What do you guys wanna do for family night?" Sam asked looking at his family with a soft smile on his lips.

"We could watch a movie!" "Or play a game!" Hallie and Emma suggested to their family.

"We could look through some pictures since most of the family is here!" Donna shrugged looking up at her husband.

"Me tired!" Annie yawned looking up at her sister with big tired eyes. "You pick out something for family night while I put Annie down for the night. I'll be back soon!" Lillian said picking up her sister and carried her into her room.

"I could have put Annie down too!" Anna smiled at her husband. "Lillian probably wouldn't have let you put her down!" Chris answered in a low voice while looking over at his sister and niece.

"Yeah, not that she doesn't trust you or anything!" "She just needs to know that Annie is safe!" Hallie and Emma told Anna just to be sure she wouldn't misunderstand something.

"After everything that has happened with Lorraine, this is the only way  she would really be comfortable and be like halfway relaxed!" Sam smiled at his daughter-in-law gently.

"She wouldn't be our Lily if she would act any different. She is just protecting her little sister for all it costs. She was fighting so hard the past few years and was almost alone, so she isn't used to get help that much from people around her!" Donna explained making sure she didn't hurt anybody.

"We sure have the strongest daughter in the whole world, don't we?" Anna cried looking up at her husband.

"Yeah, but I also have the strongest wife. You fought so hard to get back to us and Lily fought hard to keep Annie safe. I wasn't a big help at all with that, sadly. Lily is just really overprotective of her little sister. They both will be better they just need time to adjust to everything that happened!" Chris explained tenderly.

"But I sure can say, that I haven't seen any of the girls that happy in a very long time. Isn't it?" Donna asked looking at Hallie and Emma.

"Absolutely!" "Very true!" aunt and niece said after one another.


After a while Lillian came back into the family room with a baby monitor, so she could watch her little sister to be sure that she was safe. She just had to make sure that Annie was safe up in their room.

While the young girl was away the family started looking for a movie and somehow agreed on "The sound of music". It wasn't really easy to find a movie that everybody was fine with. Donna wanted something with music, while Chris and Sam actually wanted action. Hallie and Emma, on the other hand, on the other hand wanted something with love so they came somehow to that movie. 

Donna was cuddled up to her husband on the corner of the couch while Chris and Anna were sitting on the other corner. On the ottoman in front of Donna and Sam was sitting Hallie was wrapped in her blanket. Emma was cuddled on the couch next to her grandparents, also wrapped in a blanket.

"What did you decide to do?" Lillian asked her family as she walked further into the room.

"We agreed on the movie 'The Sound of Music'!"  "Is that fine with you?" Anna asked after her husband spoke.

"Yeah, whatever you picked is fine!" their daughter answered as she sat down on the edge of the couch at her parent's feet.

With a worried look, Anna looked up at her husband. She was worried at how their daughter's voice sounded. Somehow she felt that her daughter was pulling away for some reason, but she didn't want to push her daughter to talk to her.

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