10. Why did it had to be me?

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In the next morning Lillian began to stirr awake as she felt someone moving next to her. She looked around just to see her sister sitting next to her while looking down on her.

"Morning, Annie!" Lillian whispered as she looked up to her little sister. "Morning" Annie giggled and looked past her sister.

"Where is Daddy? Haven't you slept with him in his room?" Lillian asked as she tried to wake up completely.

"I didn't want to let you all alone here on your own, since it's not home and we haven't seen each other for so long! I just wanted to be sure that you're okay, that you're safe!" Chris said as he sat up from laying next to his daugthers.

Lillian was surprised from her fathers words since she never saw her father beeing so concerned about her ever before. "Oh, that w-was n-nice of you!" Lillian stuttered not sure what else to say in replay.

"I didn't made a good job, in the past few years, in making sure you two are safe. That's why I just needed to make sure you were safe last night and I need to make sure that you're safe from now on!" Chris said with a said soft low voice as he pulled Annie close to his chest.

Seeing Annie relaxing against their fathers hold, made Lillian relaxed too. Never had she ever thought about the fact that she needed her father just as much as her little sister. Lillian couldn't stop the tears from falling from her eyes as she let herself feel the emotions she were actually feeling just at that very moment, much different from what she normally does.

"What are the tears for, honey?" Chris asked as he reached over to cup his daughters face with his hand, wiping the tears away a bit.  "I'm sorry, I'm just a little emotional. Don't know what's wrong with me!" Lillian said in a low voice as she wiped her tears away.

"Why are you apologizing for your emotions, honey?" Chris asked lovingly but confused at his daughters behavior. "Just thought I had too, sorry!" the young girl shrugged and looked down on her hands while playing with her bracelet.

Just as Chris was about to answer there was a knock on the door. "Come in!" Lillian said looking apologizing at her father while sitting up.

The door than opened and Sam walked in the room with a soft smile on his face. "Good morning, you three!" he laughed as he saw his son and granddaughters in the same bed.

"Morning, dad. What's up?" Chris asked as he still held Annie close. "I actually wanted to talk to you son!" Sam said friendly but still serious while looking at his son.

"I'll get Annie and me dressed and will see you later!" Lillian said as she got up. "Come on Annie, let's get dressed to get some breakfast!" the 17-year-old girl said as she reached out for her sister. "No go, Lily, no go bye bye. No leaving Daddy again, Lily!" Annie cried holding onto her father making Sams and Chris' heart break.

"You don't have to leave Daddy, Annie. We'll be just downstairs to get some breakfast. I think that Daddy will be here when we finished our breakfast!" Lillian tenderly explained to her little sister while she totaly focused on Annie, not caring that there were other people in the room.

"You promise, promise Daddy?" Annie asked kinda scared that her father will hurt her again. "Of course I promise you, Annie girl!" Chris smiled with a kiss to his youngest daughters head.

Lillian smiled softly as she put her sister down on the floor. "Go on out and into Dad's room, I'll be right there with you, sissy!" Lillian said with a soft smile on her lips while Annie nodded and walked to the door.

"I swear if you break the promise to her, I'll turn into your worst nightmare!" Lillian said looking at her father, not really wanting to be so harsh but she just couldn't help it. She couldn't do anything else but protecting her sister all it costs, not caring about her own life, her health or safty.

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