14. The letter

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Two days earlier:

Donna walked down thw hall towards her granddaughters bedroom, she was currently staying in. She softly knocked on the door, before Lillian swung open the door.

"Hi grandma, what's up?" Lillian smiled as she let in her grandmother.

"I just came by to give you this letter. It was delivered this morning!" Donna tenderly smiled at her granddaughter as she handed the letter to her.

"You just came up for the letter?" Lillian laughed as she too the letter from her grandmother.

"And I wanted a hug from one of my favourite grandbabies!" Donna smiled and opened her arms to Lillian.

The young girl smiled brightly as she hugged her grandmother tightly. Donna kissed Lillians head over and over feeling glad to habe her little miracle granddaughters and one of them in her arms.

"I'll let you read the letter. But remember Lily, Rosie is cooking us dinner and we all know that the food will be gone within seconds so be on time!" Donna smiled before she left the room.


Lillian stood there in her room with a soft smile on her lips, before she looked down on the letter in her hands.

On the envelope was written her name in a very familiar handwriting. - It was her mothers handwriting.

Slowly Lillian opened the letter as she sat down on the little couch in her room, pulling her favourite blanket onto her lap before she started to read.

My dearest Lily,

oh, how I do miss you my blue eyes little princess. You are seventeen years old now. I can't believe I missed the past five years of your life. I can't belive that I never got to see that little baby girl we had five years ago. I just hope so incredably much that she and you are fine and had the life you deserve.

Hopefully I'll be able to see you again. Oh how I wish I could be with you, watching you and your baby sister gorwing up, spending time with my beautiful daughters and wonderful husband.

The past five years without the three of you were a living hell. I just so hope the past years were easier on you then they were on me.

I know this letter is maybe taking you off guard, but I couldn't resist writing you this letter. I needed to tell you once more that I love you more than anything, that you always will be my little Bambi, my Waterlily, the light of my life. I am so sorry that I wasn't there for you these past few years. I just hope that you are alright and doing okay, that you had a good  start with your baby sister.

I love to imagen you and your sister together, even if I don't know my second baby girl. But still I'm positive that you are the best big sister someone could ever ask for, Bambi.

There are so many other things I wanted to tell you, but there is no time for me to write them. Please just make sure you all are staying safe.

I love you so incredably much, my little Waterlily.

Love, Mommy

Lillian finished reading the letter with tears running down her face, sobbing into her hands as she dropped the letter. Just the fact that she got a letter of her mother that is supposed to be  dead since the past five years was killing her.

What was this letter for? What did her mother mean? Is she really still alive? All these questions and so many where running around her head. If Anna still was alive where is she? Why did she left them? For what did she do that for?

The letter sounded so broken, sad and somewhat alone, that broke Lillians heart. Indeed she hoped that her mother was still alive, but why did it take Anna five years to get contact to her?

So many things that didn't make sence, Lillian couldn't puzzle any of the pieces together. At least not yet. 

Should she tell anybody about this letter? Would someone actually belive her? Could someone help her?

Lillian was just heartbroken after reading that letter. She couldn't stop the tears from flowing, she tried so hard but nothing is working.

It took Lillian quiet some time to calm down, but after about an hour she was calm.

Also she decided that she would tell anybody about the letter, since she really didn't knew if it was a fake or not. Deep down she was hoping that the letter really was from her mother and that she somehow could help her mother out of the misery she was in.

But until she could actually could do something she needed to be sure that her mother really was alive.


A/N: I know that chapter is a little shorter, but I thought it would be enough of sadness in one chapter for now. Hope you like it and sorry if there are any spelling mistakes.

-Love Vivi

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