7. Lillian Isabel Hollingsworth

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And again it was a new day for Lillian. Her alarm clock rang at 5.30 a.m. as usual. With a sighed she sat up, rubbing her eyes as she turned out her alarm clock.

She looked to her side where her little sister Annie was laying, still asleep. Then she heard footsteps in the hallway  coming towards the room.

Lillian got out of bed and dressed herself quickly before walking our in the hallway coming face to face with her grandmother.

"Well, well what do we have here? The perfect little granddaughter!" Lorraine slurred clearly drunk.

"What so you want, Lorraine?" Lillian asked annoyed crossing her arms in front of her chest while looking up at the older woman. "What do you think I want? You know what I want!" Lorraine answered getting annoyed from her granddaughter pretty quickly.

"What? Aagin? I just gave you money two days ago. Why don't you use your money?" the young girl sighed as she was remembering that her grandmother always borrowed money from her.

"Don't get smart with me, missy!" "How much do you need today?" Lillian said getting her purse taking out 50 Euros that Lorraine reached out for but the young girl moved her hand away. "For what am I paying this time?" Lillian asked looking Lorraine deep into the eyes.

Lorraine reached out and slapped her granddaughter across her face, slapping her so hard that the young girl was stumbling and banged her head against the wall, breaking her glasses.

"Are you out of your mind?" she mumbled holding her bleading and hurting head as Lorraine took the money. "Don't ever get so smart with me, you know what I am able to do to you if you disagree!" the grandmother remained her of what she already did to her.

"Yeah I remember that, I mea its not like i would ever lose this memories!" Lillian mumbled as the grandmother was walking out of the apartment.

With a sighed the young girl walking into the kitchen holding her head as she got dizzy.

After getting her wounds on her head and hand cleaned, she got all the other things done she head to do.


After Lillian did the household and got her sister ready for kindergarten she walked out of the apartment with Annie in one arm and their bags in the other.

"Kay is picking you up from kindergarten today and you'll stay with her until I'm coming home, okay?" the older girl asked the little one on her arm. "Yes!" Annie squealed, she was always excited when she could go home with Kay. Lillian was never leaving her sister with their grandmother since Lorraine was hitting Lillian since 5 years.

It was never easy for Lillian; until she was 10 years old she and her parents Anna and Chris Hollingsworth lived in Austria. As they married, her father took Annas name, he was trying to protect his children and wife from his mother Lorraine.

When Anna fell pregnant for the second time they decided to move to Greece. Anna died at Annies birth, thats why Chris and Lillian decided to name the baby girl Anna Jane Hollingsworth, short Annie.

Chris is working full time as an agend all around the world, since his wife died five years ago and he left his two daughters with his mother Lorraine Smith, not knowing that his mother was hitting his oldest daughter.

Besides all the other tasks she has to do, Lillian is protecting Annie as much as even possible from Lorraine's hature.

Lorraine remarried two times after her first arranged marriage where her twin sons were coming out from, but devorced both of them after a short period of time. All the hature inside her she is obviously taking out on her oldest granddaughter.

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