9. Not again!

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And once again a day was starting, even Lillian wasn't ready for it. All evening she tried to get a sitter for Annie, but no one could look after her little sister since it was Saturday and all off her friends and the other people she asked were out having fun.

Lillian woke up already feeling a migraine cumming up. With a sighed she sat up and reached out for the bottle of water and her mirgraine medication on her night stand. Today she really couldn't use a migraine.

It took her a lot longer today to get Annie and herself ready and Lorraine wasn't even home this morning, like so often. Lillian doesn't know where Lorraine was, but she didn't c7are and was actually glad that she wasn't around that often. Sure she had a supposition where her grandmother could be, but wasn't really interested in getting her home at all.

Most of the time Lorraine just came home to get money or fresh cloth or if she was, once again, thrown out of a club or a Casino. Mostly she was drunk and sometimes even on drugs, when she is coing home after a thing like that. Thats also when the aggressions towards the girls where the worst. So Lillian was her sisters fierce protector, since Lorraines actions were unpredictable.


With Annie on her arm Lillian was walking into the hotel kitchen, sitting her down on the floor before placing their bags down.

"Okay Annie!" the older girl sighed as she lifted her sister onto the kitchen counter so she could look into her eyes. "We'll be here all day, since nobody had time to play with you today. I know it's not like usually and I am so sorry, baby. I packed some toys for you and you can play with them on the table over there, okay?" Lillian explained to her five-year-old sister sadly.

"It's okay. I understand. When does Daddy come home?" Annie asked with a sad smile while Lillians hear broke to her sisters question. "I don't know when Daddy is coming home, baby. I'm sorry. Maybe he is coming for Christmas, but I can't promise because I don't know!"

"I know, no promise when you don't know if you can keep it!" Annie said knowingly but still sad. "So no Daddy for my birthday again?" "I think so; yes. I am sorry, Annie!" Lillian said with a tear rolling down her cheek. "It's not your fault. Don't be sad!"

"I know, we just need each other to be happy. And when I am old enough, we'll look for a own little flat we can live in together. Just you and me!" Lillian smiled while wipping her tears.

"Do you think Daddy love me?" Annie then asked as she sat down on one of the chairs. "Sure he loves you. What makes you doubt that?" "He is never home. No Daddy for my birthday!" Annie said before she started to cry, breaking Lillians already broken heart.

"I know, sissy, I know!" she said as she picked Annie up, holding the child close to her chest while she was crying into her little sisters hair, silently. "Let it all out, sweetie. Everything will be okay; I promise you!" Lillian said shootingly as the door opened and Donna walked in the kitchen.

"Good morning!" Donna said as she walked towards the young girl, who was still holding her little sister tight against her.

"Morning. I'm sorry I brought Annie with me, but I couldn't find a sitter for her and she was so clingy and sad!" Lillian appologized with a sigh as she wipped her own tears away.

"It's okay, sweetheart. She can stay, she is more then welcome here!" Donna smiled stroking Annies back, making Lillians heart warm with love.

"Thank you so much, Donna!" Lillian smiled as Annie raised her head out of the crock of her sisters neck.

"No go home, Lily! No grandma! No alone!" Annie cried with big glassy eyes.  Lillians heart was breaking for her little sister, she knew how scared she was from Lorraine.

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