17. Questions I

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After Lillian finally meet her mother again, on the beach, after five awful years the little family went up to the hotel. Lillian opened her room door to let her parents and sister in. Annie fell asleep in her mother's arms.

"Lily!" Annie whimpered as she was waking up a little.

"Everything is okay, sissy!" Lillian whispered into her sister's ear while taking her sister into her arms.

Lillian laid Annie down on her bed and pulled the blanket around her before placing her stuffed bunny into Annie's arms.

"You did a good job with her, Chris!" Anna tenderly smiled.

"No, I didn't. I fucked up. But I'll explain it all to you later. I am sure that our Lily has some questions beforehand!" Chris smiled a little as they watched their daughters.

"But you will explain it to me later?" Anna asked getting a little worried.

"Yeah, sure. Let's focus on Lily a little. She'll explain stuff too!" Chris said as Lillian turned her attention back to her parents.

"Let's go sit on the couch, then we can talk!" Chris smiled leading his wife over to the couch.

Lillian slowly walked over as well, before letting herself fall onto the overstuffed chair on the opposite side of the couch.

For a while, Lillian just sat there and looked over at her parents. Some tears were forming in her eyes as she thought about some things, worrying her parents immediately.

"Can I ask you something, Mom?" The oldest daughter choked.

"You can ask me anything, baby!" Anna smiled as she leaned her head against Chris's shoulder while he pulled her closer to him.

"Why did you leave? I just don't understand why. The past five years without you were pure and utter hell for me and my little sissy!" Lillian explained with tears running down her cheeks.

"I didn't leave. I never could leave you by choice, not any of you. Your grandmother kidnapped me from the hospital right after your sister was born. She came into the room disguised as a nurse and drugged me. Sometime later I woke up again in an apartment. I was there for her last five years. A week ago, Lorraine's accomplice set me free and drove me into town. That's where I met your father. He immediately made sure I was okay. He wanted to surprise you with me being here again!" Anna explained what happened to her and why she was away.

Lillian cried into her hands as she listened to her mother. It broke her heart that her mother had to go through so much shit. But she also realised that Lorraine couldn't hurt enough.

"That crazy bitch. I could kill her. I hate her, so much!" Lillian cried pulling her legs up to her chest.

Anna loomed up at her husband with a questioning look.

"Come over here baby girl!" Chris said with also tears in his eyes.

Lillian got on the couch in between her parents. Chris and Anna wrapped their arms around their firstborn daughter, trying to make her feel better.

"What happened with Lorraine, baby?" Anna asked kissing her daughter's head.

"That's a long story. I don't think we can go through that tonight. I am not able to tell you everything tonight!" Lillian said looking up at her mother with puffy red eyes.

"We can talk about it tomorrow, sweetheart. We'll go into my room so you and your sister can sleep in here together!" Chris smiled kissing his oldest daughter's head.

"Can we sleep together? I don't think we can sleep without you two. She will be confused and I don't want that to happen. Not again!" Lillian said looking over to Annie.

"Of course, we can stay here, baby. I want you to be completely comfortable. And to be honest I don't want to be without any of you!" Anna smiled at her daughter.

"Then I'll go over into my room and get some cloth for me. I'll be back in a few minutes!" Chris said as he got up and walked out the door.

"Before we go to bed I have a question for you, Bambi." Anna smiled making Lillian tear up once more. Just hearing her mother calling her 'Bambi' made her heart flutter with love.

"You can ask me anything, mommy!"

"What name did you gave your little sister?" Anna asked with a smile stroking her daughter's hair.

"We named her after you; Annie Jane Hollingsworth. I wanted to have something of you in her and she is such a sweet little girl. I fought very hard to make sure she is safe and okay!" Lillian choked looking at her mother.

"That's very sweet of you. I am very proud of you!" Anna said pulling her daughter into a hug.

"Want to get ready for bed? I think we all need some time together in bed." The mother smiled down at her daughter.

"Yeah, that's all I need. I have some of your cloth. I wore one of your dresses at Donna and Sam's wedding. I hope that's okay with you?" Lillian asked as she got up and walked to the drawer where Annas' cloth were in.

"It's more than okay, sweetheart. I told you that outside already!" Anna smiled as she walked to her daughter.

"Here are your cloth you can have them all back I just couldn't give them away. I'll change Annie into her night cloth!" Lillian smiled as she walked over to her sister.


A while later Chris came back into his daughter's room. Lillian was sitting on the bed with her favourite blanket pulled up to her chest while she was stroking Annie's hair. Anna and Chris were standing by the door, unnoticed by the young girl, watching their daughters. They immediately got worried when they saw the tears on their oldest daughter's cheeks.

"Are you okay, baby?" Anna asked as she crawled into bed next to her children.

"Yeah, I am okay. It's just so overwhelming what happened today. Oh shoot, I never said goodbye to Em and Hal. I'm gonna look for them!" Lillian babbled up a storm while she tried to get out of bed, but Chris got in her way.

"You won't go anywhere right now. Emma and Hallie knew that you wouldn't come back. I told them I had a big surprise for you, sweetie!" Chris smiled as he pushed Lillian back down again before he got into bed next to Annie.

"I think this day, really got a lot out of all of us. At least I feel like that!" Anna smiled gently.

"It was an amazing day. I've got my Mommy back!" Lillian smiled as she snuggled up to her mother's side who immediately wrapped her arms around her.

"I am glad that I am back but I think you need some much-needed sleep now. We will talk through the rest in the morning!" Anna smiled looking from her daughter up to her husband.

Chris leaned in and kissed Annas' lips before he kissed the kids heads.

"Good night my Bambi!" Anna whispered into her daughter's ear while the young girl fell asleep in her mother's arms the first time after five years - five long years.

"The first night as a complete family of four. Thank you for saving me, babe!" Anna smiled at her husband before she snuggled her daughter closer to her body so Annie and Chris could come closer.

"You'll never be anywhere else, babe. I love you so incredibly much!" Chris smiled and kissed her lips.

"I love you too, so much!" Anna smiled before both of them drifted off into a deep sleep.


A/N: Here is another chapter. At least some questions are answered. Hope you liked it. Sorry if there are any spelling mistakes.

-Love Vivi

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