16. Is it really you?

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Lillian slept till the next morning, without waking up just once, what came sooner then expacted. When someone was crawling into bed next to her, she started to wake up. As she opened her eyes she saw Annie sitting next to her on the bed, giggling down at her sleepy sister.

"Morning, Annie!" Lillian mumbled as she sat up and leaned against the headboard.

Annie immediately crawled on her sisters lap, cuddling up to Lillian.The older sister wrapped her arms around the younger one. Just the feeling of holding Annie made Lillian feel a lot better.

Then there was a soft knock on the door, making both girls look up.

"Come in!" Lillian called out as the door opened and Chris stepped into the room.

"Morning, girls!" Chris smiled gently smiled while he walked over to the bed and sat down on the bed next to his daughter.

"Morning, daddy!" Morning!" Annie smiled brightly before her sister.

"How are you two today? You look a little flushed, Lily!" Chris asked looking at Lillian a little worried.

"I good. I happy. Breakfast, Daddy an Lily?!" Annie babbled with a bright smile on her face while she still was cuddled up to her sister.

"I don't know how I am, to be honest. I wanted to talk to you, its about how I acted in the past few days. There is something I think you should know about, because I don't know what to do!" Lillian said in a sad voice.

"No sad, Lily. I no like you sad. Me good, no mean grandma!" Annie said looking up at her sister with big eyes.

"It's okay Annie, it's nothing bad!" Lillian smiled kissing her sisters way to calm her down a bit.

"You know that you can always talk to me. What is it, sweetheart? You seem a little upset there, sweetheart!" Chris asked getting worried what Lillian was going to tell him.

"Five days ago, I got a letter. It looked like this letter was from Mom!" Lillian explained reaching out to her nightstand and handing the letter of to her father. "Here read it!"

"This really looks like your Moms handwriting!" Chris chocked as he read the words on the envelope.

"Yeah seems like that. And whats written in there is heartbreaking!" Lillian whispered looking down at her sister.

"My dearest Lily,

oh, how I do miss you my blue eyes little princess. You are seventeen years old now. I can't believe I missed the past five years of your life. I can't belive that I never got to see that little baby girl we had five years ago. I just hope so incredably much that she and you are fine and had the life you deserve.

Hopefully I'll be able to see you again. Oh how I wish I could be with you, watching you and your baby sister gorwing up, spending time with my beautiful daughters and wonderful husband.

The past five years without the three of you were a living hell. I just so hope the past years were easier on you then they were on me.

I know this letter is maybe taking you off guard, but I couldn't resist writing you this letter. I needed to tell you once more that I love you more than anything, that you always will be my little Bambi, my Waterlily, the light of my life. I am so sorry that I wasn't there for you these past few years. I just hope that you are alright and doing okay, that you had a good start with your baby sister.

I love to imagen you and your sister together, even if I don't know my second baby girl. But still I'm positive that you are the best big sister someone could ever ask for, Bambi.

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