12. Happily ever after

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"Where the hell are the plans? Bill where are the plans? And where is my little Lily? We need to get all this read ytill tomorrow!" Rosie sighed as she was running and the room.

Bill just stood there on the side with a smile on his lips while watching his fiancé running around the courtyard.

"Calm down Rosie. Everything is under control. The plans are over here, honey, and Lily girl is in the kitchen preparing most of the food for tomorrow. She is doing our wedding cake in the morning, she told me earlier. Stop worrying, babe!" He smiled as he walked over to Rosie and pulled her to him, kissing her head.

Rosie relaxed against his body a little, but still was worried about their wedding tomorrow.

"Are we really getting married tomorrow? I mean at this very moment it doesn't feel like we are getting married. I am exhausted, excited and so many other things too!" Rosie sighed as she leaned fully against him, enjoying beeing in his arms. His serenity and calmness was inspiring her, making her feel the same.

"I know honey, but we are really getting married tomorrow. Since you are all over the place and so worried about like everything, I think I need to take my girl someplace where she can relax a little so she can prepair herself for our wedding!" Bill gently smiled at his soon-to-be-wife.

"What? I can't leave. There is so much to do, I can't leave!" Rosie said as she pulled away even more, to look up to him properly.

"Everything is under control. The food is all ready. The cake will be done in the moring. The things for the drinks are prepaired. The decoration is set, the tables are set, also is the stuff fo the DJ. I think everything is prepaired so far, so no need for you to stay here any longer, Mrs. soon to be Anderson!" Lillian said as she walked into the courtyard from the kitchen.

"WOW, you are an amazing girl, Lillian!" Rosie said with a surprised smile on her face. "Thank you, but I really don't think so. I still have a lot of things to do. I don't even have a dress yet, neither does Annie. I also have to do the cake tomorrow!" Lillian answered with a sighed.

"In one point are you wrong my little girl. Annie has a dress. We just came home from buying her one. So now you and the girls can go and look for things for you, honey!" Chris said as he walked into the courtyard with Annie on his arm and a big bag in his other hand.

"I can't leave, I also have to go over the blue prints. I'll just get something smiple out of my closet, I will find something I guess!" "No young lady, you'll go and buy yourself a beautiful dress just like Hallie and Emma did. Here, take my credit card. Emma and Hallie are waiting for you at the dock!" Chris said as he gave his daughter his credit card.

"If you say so Mrs. Hollingsworth!" Lillian laughed as she looked at her father. "You deserve it, baby. Go enjoy yourself!" he smiled at the young girl. Lillian hesistates for a moment before she run down the stairs to meet her friends at the dock.


After about 45 minutes they were downtown and right infront of the shops who were selling all kind of dresses.

For a long while they looked through the dresses. Hallie and Emma showed their friend a lot of dresses but Lillian said no to all of them.

Lillian wasn't feeling 'it' by any of those dresses.

After looking in some other stores and about three hours later the girls decided to go home, even if Lillian still doesn't has a dress yet.

"I can't believe we really didn't find a dress for you!" Hallie sighed as they where sitting on the boat back home.

"Yeah we looked through all shops for whole four hours!" Emma agreed with her aunt.

"I know, I am sorry girls!" Lillian sighed as she let herself fall onto the bench.

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