Chapter 30

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The strong smell of alcohol and anesthetic was overwhelming. The hospital room felt suffocating. Probably because of the reason that she was in it. She was sitting on the bed, her eyes focused on the window giving her a view of the bright lights in Seoul. After what felt like an eternity of waiting, the doctor came in.

Amara looked away from the window, so she could hear what he had to say. He was holding a clipboard in his hands as he walked over to her.

"Well, good news is that you didn't miscarry," he tells her,

Hearing this news, she released a heavy breath of relief. He lowered the clipboard and looked at her.

"But the bad news, is that you're under way too much stress. Both emotionally and physically. Has anything happened recently?" he asked, frowning.

Amara frowned and looked away. When she didn't answer, the doctor looked at Beomgyu, who was sitting near by.

"Do you know if she's been any under stress lately?" he repeated his question.

The boy frowned at his words, reaching up and rubbing the back of his neck. He was about to answer.

"I've gotten pregnant, dumped by people I thought cared about me, told I should get an abortion because it was ruining their career, went through another messy breakup because I was forced into it..." Amara finally spoke, her voice cracking.

Beomgyu frowned, dropping his hand to his side. Another break up? Who had she been with?

"I see. And, is this boy one of those who dumped you?" the doctor wondered.

She looked at Beomgyu, who had a very heartbroken look on his face. She then looked at the doctor.

"He didn't actively do it, but he also didn't try to contact me for several weeks, leaving me to deal with this alone," she mumbled,

The doctor sighed and looked at him.

"Listen, son. She's pregnant. She can't be under so much stress, otherwise she'll lose this baby. Whatever stress she's going through, needs to be stopped at the source. She's very lucky she didn't lose the baby this time. Whatever is happening, it needs to stop. And whatever you did to her, you best apologize. Especially if you want her to keep that baby,"

The doctor scolded him. Before he could respond, the doctor left the room, closing the door behind them, and leaving them alone again.

Beomgyu walked over to her bedside to try and talk to her. But, the moment he was within view, she turned her head away from him. He frowned as she did this.

"Amara, I--"

"Please go away..." she said softly, her back to him.

He sighed softly at her words, but didn't leave. "I'm not leaving. I'm staying right here. We need to talk," he tells her.

"There's nothing to talk about," she mumbled,

"There's a lot to talk about. Especially about the breakup," he said.

She sighed and looked at him again.

"What is there to talk about? You all dumped me and told me to stay away from you. Kai yelled at me in a public place, to get an abortion. You all left me to go through this alone! I thought you all cared about me?" Amara said, frowning.

"We do care about you! That's why we've been trying to talk to you! But, you won't listen! You won't even give us a chance!" he interjected,

"Because I don't know what could be so important that none of you could've told me sooner! Especially since all of you ignored me for weeks, without a word! And now all of a sudden you want to talk!" she cried,

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