Chapter 11

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Amara laid in the bed silently. The bedroom was just as silent, making the atmosphere seem empty. In a way, it was. Despite that, the room didn't feel cold. It was warm and made her feel safe and protected in a way. Like she could hide away from the world and it wouldn't find her. She could feel Jake in the bed next to her. He was keeping his distance from her, so she wouldn't feel uncomfortable. But, she wanted him to be closer to her. She moved her hand over the bed, blindly looking for him. The room was dark, so she didn't know exactly where he was. It didn't take long for her hand to find what she assumed was his arm. She slowly wrapped her fingers around it.

Amara moved closer to him, until they were right next to each other. She laid her head on his chest, hearing his heart beating gently against her cheek. She curled up into his side, sniffling quietly. He wrapped his arm around her, so she could feel comforted.

"Should I just.. go to the clinic?" she broke the silence with her question. She didn't have to go into detail for him to know what she meant.

"I think you should do what you feel is right. Don't do something that others would want. You need to focus on what makes you happy. You're the only one that matters," Jake spoke quietly, his voice a familiar and soothing feeling to her.

After a moment, she finally answered. "I want to keep it," she mumbled.

"Then, keep it. Only you matter and you need to focus on yourself. I want you to be happy, not depressed. And I don't want you to rush into a decision that you'll probably regret later," he tells her, putting his hand on her head.

She nodded slowly, agreeing with him. Jake was right, she can't rush into a decision like that. Especially this kind. She also needed to make this choice for herself. Her now ex boyfriends clearly weren't ready to handle something like this, and they made it very clear. So did their manager, when he told her their relationship was ended and that they'd be destroying that contract she'd signed. She took a deep breath, sighing softly.

"Get some rest, you've had a long night. I'll be here when you wake up," Jake said, holding her close.

With that, she easily fell asleep. She was a lot more exhausted than she'd expected.

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